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Getting bm's medical records

Started by Proudstepmama, Nov 28, 2006, 01:10:05 PM

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I have joint legal and physical custody of my daughter. Daughter is 4 years of age. Bm lives about 30 minutes from me. Starting last year we finally came to an agreement conserning custody.

The first year I had her from monday thru friday and then suppose to be every other weekend in the summer. Bm found reasons not to pick up sd on her time. I ended up having her 75 % of the time. We would allow her to "make up" time or just try to give her extra days when sd was not in preschool.

This year we are going by what the agreement actually states. That the bm gets her mon-fri and we get her every weekend. We have gotten her every single weekend. She has not allowed us one single extra day so far, is not working with us on seeing sd more.

A few months ago bm decided she wanted to move over 3 hours away. We were able to stop her from doing so. We have siblings so the lawyer told us it is in the best interest of the child to stay here since bm just wanted to move becuase of medical reasons, not job related or family related. Now she is mad and using the child against us.

Bm is on ssi so we pay 100% of sds child care while in her residence, plus paying for her here with our 2 other children. Bm is constently saying that she has to have this test or that test done and that she is going to die.

I feel she is addicted to pain meds or they are threatening to take her off ssi and that is why she wants to move. She tells us that if she dont move she will die, when were she lives now has some of the best doctors in the world.

She would not let us have the child for Thanksgiving even though she was not seeing family and was not cooking a dinner. She then told sd that we forgot her and that my parents were going to cook her dinner.
Oh yeah we live in the state of PA

my questions;
1. Should we be paying full child support when we have her half the time?

2. Can we get her medical records supenoa (sp sorry) for custody issues?

3. Do we have a case to go back for full custody or would we be wasting money?


>my questions;
>1. Should we be paying full child support when we have her
>half the time?

Yes, if the other parent is physically incapable of working.

>2. Can we get her medical records supenoa (sp sorry) for
>custody issues?

Probably. It's relevant to proving the reason for the move is not as claimed.

>3. Do we have a case to go back for full custody or would we
>be wasting money?

Question is can the other parent reasonably care for the child in the parent's disabled condition? Question of fact. Appoint a GAL and have it all investigated.

I don't think you should ask for sole. You just want primary parenting to "relieve" the other parent of the burden of child care while she rehabilitates. Then, when she's rehabilitated, you claim that the child's best interests are in maintaining the status quo of your primary parenting.

I can't tell if this is all a waste of money. I'd need to review the entire case file.