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NCP Civil Rights Info & Petition

Started by mariajb, Nov 07, 2004, 08:46:31 PM

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Here is an NCP petition you can sign online.


We NCP's have to organize in each of our states! Please NCP's there is strength in numbers!

In NY please visit:


We still have civil rights despite a change in or marital status. A change in marital status does not warrant a change in our constitutional rights!

Be heard!

here's the link for more info and how to find your council in your state:


there is strength in numbers and success in organizing and speaking together!


Thanks for the post, I believe I will sign it. However, I wish that it did a little more justice in representing non-custodial mothers. In my experience, in this tiny little piece of the country I live in, it is a growing epidemic that good mothers are losing their children in what I believe to be an answer to the Father's Rights Movement.

I am in no way faulting NC fathers here, as I believe strongly that children need both parents and no one, male or female, should be made to feel a second-class citizen and a guest in their children's lives. But that is sadly our reality, one I live with everyday.

I do believe it is time and I am glad to see some movement in that direction that this is not just about fathers anymore, this is about good parents who love their children and are tired of being forced out of their lives.

As do most of us, I believe the only answer to this is a presumtion of equal custody in the courts. In many states this will be awarded if both parents agree. Well the fact of the matter is, most parents can't agree. If we could we wouldn't need the court!!! And I think that is what so many are afraid of. Custody battles in this country is a very profitable industry. In many cases, lawyers are making money hand over fist without ever doing anything, certainly not getting juctice for their clients. I have put thousands and thousands of dollars into my case and am still "losing", but my atty gets his money anyway. I walk away broke and even more depressed and traumatized by this awful system. And in the end, it's our children who lose.

Well thank you for allowing me to vent some. I will sign this petition and urge others to do so. Any reform is good within the awful domain of family courts.