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What about Walmart? Any takers?

Started by MYSONSDAD, Jun 10, 2005, 12:23:19 PM

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"Children learn what they live"


I emailed Target to see if this is true.

It will be a shame if it is, I do 90% of my shopping at Target, it is my favorite store, but I will not shop there if it is true.


From what I saw, this is the official site. I would like to write them and ask if they will support NCP's getting their parenting time.

Send them the statistics...

"Children learn what they live"


I also e-mailed Target...that website is absurd! Did you see the "Reminder your child support is due" cards that they will send the NCP? Holy cow....


I haven't gotten a response from Target, how about you?


Well I rarely shop at Target.

I have actually thought about other cs enforcement, I am a cp parent and a stepmom of a ncp father. It would be nice if my ex paid his cs of $160 hell if he paid anything, but he lives of woman and his family.

My son could really use the extra money for his things. Hell I wish my ex would at least call his son, haven't heard from him since xmas.

Then there are men here like my dh that pay a ton of cs while the bm sits their butts and lives of the cs.

**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**



You are a credit to society. Equitable CS and custody laws would certainly improve your life and that of your son. ALL fit parents and their children should be "allowed" to share a meaningful amount of time with each other. If a court order allows for that time, but a parent chooses not to exercise it, then that is that parent's own fault. If the CS was seamless in its apportionment of an equitable amount of money for the needs of the kid, then there would be no financial incentive to have the kid eitehr more or less time. If that is what the guidelines truly were, then I would be the first to go after parents like your ex, who seemingly just don't want to pony up their fair share of their kid's financial needs.

If the laws were equitable you would be better off on both accounts.


Geraldine Jensen (founder of ACES) has built ACES into a nationwide organization to enforce child support.

Background (public) info about Ms. Jensen:

Upon our review of the record, we find that the trial court's determination that Mr. Gerharter failed to support his children without justifiable cause is against the manifest weight of the evidence. The record is clear that since her divorce from Mr. Gerharter, Mrs. Jensen had severely limited Mr. Gerharter's opportunities to maintain a relationship with his children. First, she moved the children 1500 miles away from Mr. Gerharter. Mrs. Jensen then refused to let Mr. Gerharter see the children when he was in Toledo, or limited his visitation rights by only permitting him to visit with the children in her home. All of this was done without authorization of the court. Mrs. Jensen also denied Mr. Gerharter opportunities to talk with the children by phone and did not give them mail from him. She refused to let Mr. Gerharter's relatives, who did live in Toledo, visit with the children after June of 1978. [Court of Appeals, Sixth Appellate District Court, Lucas County, Ohio, 1981 Ohio App. LEXIS 11385, January 23, 1981]

It might be worth mentioning in passing that the membership figure of 50,000 ACES proudly proclaims is likely to be inflated a bit. ACES tax returns for 2000 show $19,180 in "Membership Dues and Assessments." If
every member of ACES joined at the lowest level of $10 per year, that would entail a total national membership of 1,918-respectable for a grassroots organization, to be sure, but a far cry from the 50,000 claimed.

Products in addition to the Heinz label that are funding the separation of parents from their children:

Bagel Bites, Boston Market, Catelli, Classico, Farley's, Funky Fries, Greenseas, Guloso, Jack Daniel's Grilling Sauce, John West , Linda McCartney Meals, Mr. Yoshida's Fine Sauces, Ne-nerina, Olivine, Ore-Ida, Orlando, Plasmon,Polly Mi Chicha, Polly Rice Flour, Rosetto, Smart Ones, tinytums, Watties, Weight Watchers Foods, and Wyler's.


Link to Heinz Foundation, where you can contact the company:



Dear Target Management:

I am writing to you this Father's Day weekend regarding your company's involvement with ACES. In doing so, your company is supporting the unlawful witholding of children from a parent, which is almost always the father. Apparently, your company failed to check out the public record of the founder of ACES, Ms. Geraldine Jensen. If you had done so, this is what you would have found:

Upon our review of the record, we find that the trial court's determination that Mr. Gerharter failed to support his children without justifiable cause is against the manifest weight of the evidence. The record is clear that since her divorce from Mr. Gerharter, Mrs. Jensen had severely limited Mr. Gerharter's opportunities to maintain a relationship with his children. First, she moved the children 1500 miles away from Mr. Gerharter. Mrs. Jensen then refused to let Mr. Gerharter see the children when he was in Toledo, or limited his visitation rights by only permitting him to visit with the children in her home. All of this was done without authorization of the court. Mrs. Jensen also denied Mr. Gerharter opportunities to talk with the children by phone and did not give them mail from him. She refused to let Mr. Gerharter's relatives, who did live in Toledo, visit with the children after June of 1978. [Court of Appeals, Sixth Appellate District Court, Lucas County, Ohio, 1981 Ohio App. LEXIS 11385, January 23, 1981]

It might be worth mentioning in passing that the membership figure of 50,000 ACES proudly proclaims is likely to be inflated a bit. ACES tax returns for 2000 show $19,180 in "Membership Dues and Assessments." If
every member of ACES joined at the lowest level of $10 per year, that would entail a total national membership of 1,918-respectable for a grassroots organization, to be sure, but a far cry from the 50,000 claimed.

Furthermore, yesterday, I could not bring myself to purchase a $140, 9" TV/DVD combo from your store. As I am camping with my son, and his mom is off on a separate vacation with her new husband, we will watch the baseball ALL-STAR game on a similar TV set, that I purchased from Best Buy for $150.

Equipped with background knowledge about the founder of the organization, I hope your company will reconsider its position to support ACES.



P.S. I intend to forward this email to other family members and friends.


That's a GREAT letter. I am in MN where Target is HQ. After reading this I want to drive downtown to their bldg and get in someone's face in that office. It truly is too bad, as Target does a lot of good things for the community.

Thanks for the heads up.