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Started by MYSONSDAD, Oct 26, 2005, 07:13:11 PM

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Ways and Means Committee Proposes Deep Cuts in Child Support Funding
by Vicki Turetsky. The Committee on Ways and Means has proposed deep
cuts to the federal matching rate for child support services, which
would severely reduce states' ability to collect child support for low-
and moderate-income families. This brief outlines why the child support
program is a sound investment-collecting $4.38 in child support for
every public dollar spent-and how much funding each state stands to lose
if the proposed cuts are enacted. 3 pages. 10/25/2005

Child Support-Related Provisions in New Katrina Relief Legislation
by Vicki Turetsky. This paper outlines the child support-related
provisions of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
Emergency Response and Recovery Act of 2005, signed into law on
September 21, 2005. It also describes recent Health and Human Services
policy guidance and pending legislation that would clarify the law.
Finally, it recommends that Congress adopt additional short-term child
support measures to help states impacted by the hurricanes. 10 pages.

The Child Support Enforcement Program: A Sound Investment in Improving
Children's Chances in Life
by Vicki Turetsky. The child support program enforces the responsibility
of parents to support their children. The program's performance has
improved dramatically in recent years. This six-page report explains why
the program is a sound investment-returning $4.38 in collected support
for every dollar the government spends. 5 pages. 10/24/2005

State Strategies for Preventing the Accumulation of Child Support
Arrears and Managing Existing Arrears
by Paula Roberts. The publicly funded child support program contends
with over $100 billion in arrears, or outstanding child support owed by
obligated parents. To address this problem, a number of states revising
their policies and developing strategies to both prevent the growth of
arrears and resolve existing debt. This PowerPoint presentation
describes these efforts, and includes a comprehensive bibliography of
sources for further information. 49 pages. 10/25/2005

These publications and other resources are available at //www.clasp.org

Sign up for the November 18 CLASP Audio Conference!

Better Business: Making Work "Work" for Employers and Employees
Friday, November 18, 12:30-1:30 pm (Eastern Time)

Many of the efforts to provide family support at the workplace have been
framed as either helping business or helping employees. However, a new
movement has emerged that is looking at the mutual benefits of making
work "work" for both employers and employees. The business reasons
behind this new movement are diverse, including the changing nature of
work, the economy and the workforce. And the business case includes the
attraction, development, retention of employees as well as community
economic development. What are some tips on how to get employers in your
community to make work "work"; what are the implications for low wage
workers of flexible work?

Learn about brand-new findings from two experts who bridge the worlds of
business and workers!

Ellen Galinsky, President, Families and Work Institute
Donna Klein, President & CEO, Corporate Voices for Working Families

Register online with a credit card and save 10 percent!


The Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP), a national, nonprofit
organization founded in 1968, conducts research, policy analysis,
technical assistance, and advocacy on issues related to economic
security for low-income families with children. For more information
about CLASP, visit //www.clasp.org

Center for Law and Social Policy
1015 15th Street, NW, Suite 400
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 906-8000
(202) 842-2885 fax