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how to stop enforcement of child support

Started by spinner, Jun 21, 2006, 10:03:50 PM

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Hi Everyone,

My ex and I have been good parents for over a year now, communicating and helping each other.

It's at the point where we decided to put differences asside and really working for our kid together.

we agreed that our son could go to the schools in my school district, schools are better than in hers and we'd drive back and forth.

We agree on time with our son and simply share time, call each other to take care of our son when needed. My ex has realized that out of court and fight, we can work together.
and we actually work great.

We are also aware of the CS law changing in 2007-2008 and have agreed that starting january 2007 we would simply not pay any CS to each other.
Now here is where I come for help.

We would like to draw an order and present it jointly with a joint motion so that we can stop the collection from the CS office so I am looking for a sample order. Something I can use to build the proposed motion and order.

We do not want to change custody nor other stuff, simply:
"both parents are taking care equaly of their children together and neither parties shall pay CS to the other and CS office shall stop any and all witholdings on date, ...."

any help ?

leon clugston

the enforcement of an order comes from the application for services, generaly a lawyer, with or without consent from either or both parties will enter in an order for support for the child, this (he or she) is bound to do, because there Oath to the bar association, no state holds the authority to demand for support from either or both parents UNLESS- you or her, whichever is the custodian, apply for any goverment created benefit ie.(child support, medicaid, medicare, food stamps, or some other social security benefit that the child can benfit from).
If any of these items you or her are using, or may use or acquire, it will stop the legality of any agreement you make, and if you or her are presently receiving any of these benefits the state will prohibit you, and will stand against you both in court based on these issues. However if neither of you are excepting or receiving any social security benefits,(all they above are Social Security benefits) then there is no legal way for the state or the judge to enterfere with youre agreement, as per the United States Supreme Court.


well yes ok, I knew this but how do we legaly write and enter this agreement?


Does is go through CSE now? If yes, you  could go down there a request a review to change it. They will give you a court date and you both go and agree to the no money changing hands. If you both agree, then they will accept it. There is probably a way to write it up and both notorize it and have the court accept it...not sure. Call CSE and ask them.

leon clugston

To try to help without overly confuseing the masses, one has to understand there standing as a citizen and under what citizenship they wish to stand.You cannot ask an administrative figmintation, created from an adminstrative law for assistance in writeing or approval of writeings if you want to enforce youre fundamental rights(these are youre constitutional rights, for which no state or congress can abridge)if you want a true agreement between youreselves without state or law interference.
The deffinition of law has many faces, it stands and applies in very many different ways, and to different people in different standings, not all law applpies equaly, and very much law has no application or force against the public(administartive law is one of them, unless you agree to abide by it, under employment, exception of gratuitys, or other means which place you under there direction.Ones standing in citizenship is and has been a constant fight, since the civil war, and many cases in the Supreme Court of The United States is directed torwards this,all under the same question where is the sovereign, and who is the sovereign, and what caused most of us to lose are claimature to the status as a sovereign, leading us to be ruled by agencies, which can consist of one person(prosecuter,judge, and jury).

You can write youre own agreement, you dont have to have a judge rule on it, all you have to do is write it,get it notarized and file it in the court as a public document, and walla it stands, to ask a judge is like asking youre parents for permission which TWO consenting Adults dont have to do, as long as you remember, if you want some pulic created gratuity, the state can and will step in and voiod youre agreement.


Isn't that how you stop most blood suckers?

Oh, sorry. Just read the post. Nothing further to add.
A true soldier fights, not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves whats behind him...dear parents, please remember not to continue to fight because you hate your ex, but because you love your children.


leon clugston

a lawsuit, injuction, complaint and writ of Quo Warranto just filed in the The United States District Court in the State of Alaska (3:06-CV-140) should be the telling of what may be to come, and where we all realy stand and under what citizenship.


please clarify, google didnt do too much for me on this one


please clarify, google didnt do too much for me on this one

leon clugston

what kind of clarification were you looking for?

leon clugston

what kind of clarification were you looking for?


I was trying to find the case you mentioned, could you please tell me more about it?


leon clugston

the case is my case 3years of research just entered into the federal district in the state of alaska, Leon Clugston v. Erick Smith-Kevin D. Williams, Rachela King. Richard Romero. Ray Hollenbeck. and Crystal Langham, ( all in there personal capacity) including john does 1-20,,it will go up to the 9th and eventualy the Supreme,,the district court has already shown it can't rule on the issues I brought forth,,,especially the complicated issues that all they above entities broke federal law, and did so with malice, while under the guise of following fedral law.If youo are reALY ENTERESTED SEND ME AN EMAIL AND ILL'E JUST send you a copy.


It's ok, I don't have time, was just wondering what it was in general. Thanks for the offer.

leon clugston

the case is about a judge and entities within the agency of the state operating outside federal law acting out of there official capacity, violating fundamental rights, with no law in support of there actions. Operating with no Oath of Office with no judicial powers, no executive powers, and issueing bills of attainer(pains and penalties) against the citizens, and for banishing I from my citizenship class , as a citizen of United States and one of the several states, to one of the citizens of the United States of America under the Administrative states,(receiver of gratuity) afforded no constitutional rights, with no due process of law, and no independant judge due to the COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS between the state, the federal Welfare program, and the agency operating within the state of Alaska, and region 10 in Seatlle that oversees all child support judgments from the state of Alaska, that decides rather the judgements are in compliance with the Child Support network cooperative agreements or to fine the state punitively for violating there agreement to rule in favor of the agency operating in the state.


Spinner, my ex and I did this and all I did was go to the CSE and tell them that due to the fact that we had agreed, I wanted to terminate the child support. As long as noone is on any kind of social services benefits like food stamps or medicaid, they don't have much choice in the matter. They will try to talk her out of it, but it can be done.

For us, it was simply signing a piece of paper in their office and they filed it in our record at the court house.

Good luck!



what do they do to try to talk her out of it?

Like you know you can get money out of him more, ... ???


I must have missed somthing, what CS laws are changing in 2007 - 2008?

leon clugston

what makes me so currrious is why no one asks the paternal question, these people are not OFFICERS of The UNITED STATES, so there for they hold no OATH of OFFICE, no executive powers, and no Judicial Powers, so where or how do they get authority that they dont have? A case just went before the United States federal district court in the State of Alaska, where as the Attorney General with drew, without any opposition due to that very fact, that they cannot go there nor defend what they dont have.


I don't know what everyone else is telling you, but I always do a stipulation which includes a child support waiver should the amount agreed be different than guidelines call for. Also, notarizing the document is usually required. If you want a sample, drop me an e-mail and I'll send one to you.


leon clugston

doesn't do no good if you have a waiver if the other goes on any sort of public assistance, medicaid medicare, welfare, it automatically voids any agreements, even though the constitutions states no state shall make laws or abridge any contracts, but they do, since you waived youre right when you received that goverment created gratuity,SSN, that holds no rights or protection, as so founded by the United States Supreme Court, in Muskrat, Hayburn and other cases.


Very true. Once the mother goes on aid, you can not make any agreements with her.

Of course my statements only apply to parties who are allowed to enter such contracts. This excludes welfare mommies as they have deministrated the inablility or lack of interest in providing for their children and prefer to suckle the tit of Government.

leon clugston

yes this is very true, however under the constitution the states cannot make, abrogate or impare contracts between two individuals,,which makes this whole thing enteresting, doesn't it.


What makes it really interesting is the rare cases that the mother forgives past support and the county continues to charge you interest on the interest for a debt you do not owe. Talk about criminal activity.

leon clugston

that on there is easy, it is called coooperative agreements, between the state and the feds, and interstate cooperative agreements between the state agencys, all for the purpose of deriveing revenue.All the facts and alleged authority are under Title IV d of the Social Security Act and 45 CFR's(code of federal regulations) where you will find the state is mandated to have these agreements.


It's clearly taxation without representation. Taxing divorced fathers that don't owe support anymore is a punative action as well.

leon clugston

it is a gratuity, a federal created right,(rights created against the state) that invalidate or abrogate the fundamental rights of the citizens,,,of course with that you have changed youre standing as a citizen of one the several states to a citizen of the United 'States,, one without rights. and one who is not, and has no soverenty.