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Child Support Hearing lasted less than 10 min

Started by true, Jul 24, 2006, 01:33:49 PM

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Hey there,

Say, I am the cp. I recently rec'd a request for all financial documentation of myself in regards to my two children whom I receive child support from. Documents sent.

Hearing was today.

We went over: My current wages, insurance availablity, childcare etc.

We also went over the ex's current wages, insurance availablity.

We have been divorced for almost 12 years. Throughout this time, I have not requested a "review". Basically, due to some is better than none and also since the ex continues to plug into the children that he is always broke.

So at this point I did find out that he makes twice as much as I do.

I am court ordered to supply all insurances. Out of pocket expenses was not covered. (my fault-nervousness) Insurance cost to me will be a "two week" paycheck each month.  

The ex was ordered to stop providing health insurance.

We were told that Child Support would be modified but "since the referee didnt have the figures in front of him we would know the amount  or how often by mail in a few weeks retro to June 1, 2006. I mention how often as when our children are with the ex child support abates. IE: Summer Vacation

With the use of a child support calculator I was able to acertain that the current child support fell below or right at the ex making minimum wage.

With the use of the calculator and the figures presented in court the child support has a possiblity of jumping 2.5 x's the current amount. The ex didnot object all he said was he was looking for another job.

At this point in time, I have a feeling of being bambusled if thats a word.

Is this enough info to get a thought from someone else out there?

PS: Michigan Ref