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Death is too good for this woman

Started by cathy, Jan 15, 2005, 06:38:36 AM

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Just disgusting



I agree Death alone is too good for this woman! I say an eye for an eye and someone should give her bleach to drink and sit on her till she die like she did to her daughter!


>RE: Death is too good for this woman

Way to good. I'm having a hard time thinking up something horrible enough to do to her.

The real question is will she blame it on her husband/boyfriend or her father.


Where is the father?  No mention of dad in the story.

I sent an email to CNN.com and asked that question.  


One last note.

Think she will argue she had Postpartum Psychic depression?  The voice of God told her to do it.

Man-OH-Man this GOD dude is a bad ass.  First has a mom drowns her kids than has another mom make the child drink bleach and then suffocate her.

I wonder if this is the same GOD our judges have in family court?  It certainly would explain a lot. lol – heeee......  heeeee......

I know,,, bad taste.  Sorry :-(


How truely horrible!!!  I have woker in mental health for 20 years.  Sometimes I admit that I have gotten a bit jaded.  Somethings just don't shock me like they would nurses who do other kinds of work but his on really set me on my keester!


In all honesty I think anyone would have a hard time saying that this woman was sane.  But holy heck--who is there to protect the kids.

Many of you know that my Dh sufferes bipolar.  Without meds this kind, gentle man can become "crazy".  Paranoia and religious preoccupation are common elements of a lot of mental disorders.  However, someone should be responsible for seeing that children in such a home are safe.

People who live with mental problems should not be considered "dangerous".  That is the card my ex has played and it has worked in our case.  I do not have custody of the two children from my first marriage.  However, my DH and I have custody of the two kids we have together.  He is a wonderful fahter.  The children would be missing out on a lot if he were not in their lives.  But he is sober.  He is taking care on his illness.  And he is committed to doing whatever needs to be done in order for our family to not be distressed in anyway because of his illness.

In this case something obviously went very wrong and because of it a child is dead.  This is a tragedy to be sure.    


This is truly one of the sickist things I have heard of and the one thing I fear the most. I lived with my wife for 10+ yrs before she snapped on me and my children. The sad part is she got Tempoary custody and not a single person from DSS to the Family couort Judge has given a single answer as to why they are not with me.

The kinds and typse of punishmnet are endless.


This is so hard to comprehend....

I say "an eye for an eye"
This mommy should have to suffer in the same way.
"Children learn what they live"