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What I have learned from trial...

Started by MYSONSDAD, Jan 23, 2005, 06:27:38 PM

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I hear you!

Mine filed a false RO, lied to the court and evaluator. Nothing seems to matter. I have back up documentation to prove every lie. Have taken each lie separately and made an exhibition schedule. They do not look at it.

When this is over, all my energy will be put into getting shared parenting throughout this country. Children can no longer be the victims in these vicious games.

It may be too late for me, but someday our son will be a father. I don't want him facing this Family Court System.


Don't give up hope just yet. Sometimes just because they do not look at a piece of evidence does not mean they do not "consider" it. The fact that you are so organized and that you presented these items of proof as evidence maybe all the judge needs to know. I am not trying to defend judges here...they still suck for the most part..haha. I guess what I am getting at is that sometimes these judges know already when someone is lying. Both judges I went in front of knew that my ex was lying. She did not lie very much, but she did try to say that I hit my daughter. The courts saw right through her claims without me having ot offer any proof.
As difficult as it maybe for you stay calm cool and collected. Present yourself in a professional matter and present your case as best you can. If in the end thigns do not go the way you had anted, or if you feel that the judge was wrong, there is always the appeal process. I know you don't want to hear that right now. Only trying to offer alternatives at this point.
I for one am still rooting for you though. I'll warn you however I am not a very lucky guy so don't count on my rooting to save you..haha.
Hang in there friend. All our thoguths and prayers are with ya.



You are absolutely right about that.  DH and I have been married now for 15 years, and have dealt with CS and the courts for that entire time.  SD has been so pas'd that it's beyond ridiculous.  (If we only knew then what we know now... but at the time she was young, there was no such term as "Parental Alienation.")  

DH's relationship with his now 18 year old daughter is non-existent.  She thinks her Mother hung the moon, and Dad is just some stupid jerk.  After a while it becomes more than a person can take, and he's pretty much given up.  There are many people on these boards who say that if you wait long enough, the child will grow up and see the light.  That's not true.  Waiting will get you nothing other than more severe, more deeply entrenched alienation.  The kids aren't going to see the light, because that means rocking the boat at home with Mom.

We're about out of it now.  She's graduating in June, and we're bickering over college support.  Either way, child support is over and she is legally an adult.  But I'll stay active in this arena - actually I'll probably get MORE active, because I know so much more after all these years than I did in the beginning.  I have two boys of my own, and it's so important that this never happens to them.

Any ideas you have regarding getting the message out - count me in.

I wish you all the best in your struggle.



Your SD might still be too young to understand. She will someday have a family of her own. She may marry a man who has struggled in the family courts. She will someday realize.

I try to post information, when I can. The more we share and pass on to one another, the better educated we become. And the better our chances to make a difference.

But for me, you, your DH  and so many others, PAS is the real killer in all of this...

"Children learn what they live"