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getting back lost drivers license

Started by stepmom2morgan, Aug 31, 2005, 09:32:44 AM

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Hi. My DH lost his license in Feb because he lost his job and hadn't paid support for 3 months. His CSE case manager is a witch, he wasn't even $1000 behind. (I've caught her in two mistakes saying we owe money we don't and she seems to hate us since then). Anywhoo, that's besides the point. He finally found a job. He calls the case manager and asks what he has to do to get his license back. She says she wants half of what he owes. We won't be able to pull that off for at least a couple weeks.

We live out in the country so taxis or public transportation are not options for us. Also I will be at work during the time he has to drive to and from work. The only option is for him to drive without a license which we hate to take that chance but he has to keep this job! It took so long for him to find it! The economy sucks around here.

So he asked if he could at least have work driving priveleges but she said no they don't do that. I don't understand. Even people who lose their licenses for driving infractions often at least have work priveleges!

Is she full of it and just telling my DH this because she always wants to give us a hard time? Does anybody out there know more about this than we do? Any input would be great. I will fight her, go to her supervisor or whatever, if I know there is a point to it but if there is no point I'd rather not fight because she hates us enough as it is. Thanks so much!

BTW we live in Miami County.

Best Wishes,

sherrie ohio

Just received "community update paper" for fall 2005 from child support office telling of guidelines and such.One of the things they had on it was the following crteria for license suspension.1-most use other legal means frist before initiating suspension.2-they must mail you a default notice,stating a license suspension may occur.3-you must owe at least $3,000.00.4-you must have missed at least six consecutive months of payments.This info is most likely to late to help but i thought i'd post just in case.  Best of luck.


Oh my god that makes me so mad!!!  He had only missed 3 consecutive months of payments and was only $1000 behind!  How would I get my hands on those guidelines?  I didn't know there were guidelines.  His case manager told him it was up to her!

I guess it doesn't really matter now because he does have his license back but I would love to get that witch in trouble!

Thanks for that info!  Very interesting!

Best Wishes,

sherrie ohio

My husband gets a news letter from child support about twice yearly.And the info was on that.Maybe the differance is in the counties.They also usely have a seek work program that you can do,that will keep you from going to jail or loseing your license.At lease this one does.It doesnt stop they past due amount from adding up thou.My hubby's ex tried to stick him in jail and/or lose his license and the seek work program kept him out.And he was only behind a month when he got laid off once.        We got back on or feet when he and i both got new jobs,so she took him back to court for more money.She got it of course!All because her new husband and her didnt want him comeing for viset's.They wanted the money he payed,but didnt want him around.And this was their try at keeping him away.He was trying to make visits every other weekend and phone calls on the other's,and that didnt fit in to their plans. I hope you all have better luck than we have over the years.  good luck.


Thanks for replying.  I'm sorry you guys are going through all the drama of a hostile custodial parent.  It trully sucks I know.  My SD's BM put us through all kinds of hell for the first 2 + years of her life but she finally realized we would never stop fighting and that she was only hurting herself when the judge finally told her if she saw her in her courtroom again she would award custody to my DH!
Since then (3 years) we've gotten along beautifully for the most part, maybe even genuinely at this point (though I'd never trust her completely).  Even when her and DH disagree (sometimes even fight) they have learned it's better to just work it out together than take it back to court.  We will make our final payment to our attorney next month (he let us pay him $50 a month).  It's only the child support and our evil case manager that chaff me now.  
How is is fair that BM and her husband own their own house, two very nice cars, an RV and other toys, she stays at home and they could afford to have 2 more kids besides SD and meanwhile we are stuck renting a 2 bedroom half double (my 18 month old DS doesn't have a bedroom because we didn't kick DD out of hers when he was born), driving 1991 cars, working seperate shifts because we can't afford child care, wanting to have another child soon but knowing we can't because we can't afford the one we have?  I mean during the time DD stays with us she has the bedroom and all the toys and clothes that she would have if she lived with us full-time but yet DH is expected to provide the money to supply all those same things at her mother's house.  It's not fair!  The only difference between BM and us as far as how DD gets treated is that they get more TIME with her.  Money-wise there is no difference, in fact we also carry the health insurance for DD so maybe we even spend more.  And of course we would love to have MORE time with DD!  And every time we have to deal with our case manager she treats DH like he's a no good dead beat dad.  It makes me crazy!  Oh well.  It could be worse.  She could still be fighting us.

Best Wishes,