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lowering CS because we have a child now

Started by stepmom2morgan, Jan 27, 2006, 08:58:12 AM

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We're trying to decide if we should try to get CS lowered.  The main thing that has changed is that my DH and I have a son together now.  Does anybody know how they look at that in a CS review?  Is there a certain percentage they take from your total income or what?  Sherri, I know you said it was something like $3000 for you but since I don't know how much your DH makes that doesn't really tell me what it would be for us.
I just don't want to do this if it's not going to be worth it.  We are getting along with BM right now but this might piss her off.  It would be worth a little conflict though if we could get it lowered because the CS is just draining us right now.  Our quality of life compared to BM's quality of life is just rediculous.  Not that the courts care about that.

Best Wishes,

sherrie ohio

They gave both my DH and BM the same amount of deduction for each child they had in their homes(other than the child in question).In the total amount of gross income.And the yearly income for each household was differant.They inputed and income for the BM because she didnt work.They inputed a yearly income for her at min.wage level.
They allow for who pays insurance for the child,or daycare payed.Also any city taxes paid.And overtime an bonuses.Also i made a mistake on the amount of the deduction,it was $2,700.00.I went back and checked over his papers,so i wouldnt tell you wrong.
Also take into afect this has been a few years back,seems like they change things from year to year.
Hope i help out a little more this time.I was afaid to say much before in fear of BM reading it,but now i dont care.
Best of luck..............
               P.S. Hope i'm not confusing you more....


Well, shoot, does that mean they'll take into account that SHE now has two other kids?  I never even thought about that.

Best Wishes,

sherrie ohio

They did in our county,$2,700.00 for each one of them.The sheet had all other children in both households when figuring they amount of household income that would be considered.
Your husband never got a paper that showed how they figured the amount he had to pay?They must do things a little differant in your county.Which could also mean their guidelines are differant.
Also they didnt take into efect that her then current husband had a job.It upset's us every time we think about how hard we have,and how easy the way of life is for them.The system is set up to work against fathers in support and custody.
If i can answer anything else for you just holler......Best of luck.........

sherrie ohio

Also dont forget they would subtract they amount you pay in insurance for the child...


Thanks Sherri.  Darn it.  I never even thought about them taking into consideration that she has two more kids.  Maybe I better get busy and pop out a few more.  LMAO.  Well, now I'm scared to even try to get it lowered because it could end up worse than it is now.  This really sucks.  It's so not fair!!  I think they did give us a sheet.  I'll find it when I get home and see if I can understand it.  
SD is on my insurance but I'm a teacher so I have a great plan and don't pay all that much, when you split it 4 ways it's probably less than $15 a month for her.  
Thanks for the help.

Best Wishes,


I don't know if you will still be looking at this- since it has been a while since you posted it- but there are a couple of things you need to keep in mind.

Ohio is a combined incomes state- so anything that is deducted...is good. The deduction is equal to the federal tax exemption (3300) minus any child support recieved for that child. Bm in our case has 2 other kids with her- so that 's 6600 off of her total income- however she recieves $400 a month in child support- so total that yearly and subtract it from 6600 and that's her deduction. It benefits you that she has deductions from her income- because it lowers the total amount that child support is figured on.

Insurance. This cost is only deducted if the biological parent is paying it. They will not give him a credit for paying it if YOU are paying it out of your check. The only way to get the credit is to take a stack of cancelled checks to court that show that he reimburses you for SD's portion of the insurance- or that he pays the insurance company directly for her part.

I woul go ahead and go backa nd get it adjusted...can't hurt to try.