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I'm back!

Started by Kitty C., Feb 15, 2005, 01:17:29 PM

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Kitty C.

Not to the degree I was before, but not gone completely either!  I have a new job that I just started last week (MY choice this time, LOL!) and I've got a feeling this could be the best move I've ever made.

DH and I are still sweethearts.....he's come a LONG way from a year ago and I'm SO proud of him....and he just bought me a BRAND NEW snowmobile for Valentine's Day!  Along with sending a dozen roses to my new work home!  What a sweetie!

DS is being a typical teen.........hormones, AD/HD.....and gving us more gray hair than we care to think about!  He still misses his dad tremendously.  He's having a lot of difficulty with his academics and attitudes, and we're looking into alternatives for him.

SS is doing well, too.  In fact, he's scheduled to have his tonsils out next month........and it's about time, cuz he can snore like an 80 y.o. geezer and has a perpetual runny nose.  AND he told PBFH that he is demanding that DH and I BOTH be there for it, bless his heart!  I went to his last (!) Pinewood Derby a couple weeks ago...he wasn't sure if I should, but I told him it was announced in the local paper, so the public is invited.  What blew my mind was how far PBFH was willing to bend over backwards to be NICE to me!  She even offered to get me duplicate pics.....since I FORGOT to get a new roll of film!

She has mentioned a couple times about SS getting braces.  Well, my new job is in the dental college!  I got info for DH to give to her about the ortho program here (which DS is in right now)..........from the way DH talked, it's hard to tell if she understood what he was telling her, but if she calls for the initial screening, the girls downstairs will set her straight, since the next program screenings don't start until this fall..  Plus, I can be here for ALL his appts.!  DH also informed her that this is the only place he would pay for SS's braces...since it's about $2000 cheaper.  Also, I added SS on my dental, which now pays 50%.  She may not be too happy that I will be so close, but her only other alternative is to pay thru the nose.

And I recently gave out info on this site and my name and number to a member of our church, who appears to be heading down this road.  He only has a teenage son left at home, who appears to be brainwashed by mom to stay with her.  I told him that it would be to his advantage to have the child seen by an objective, professional 3rd party to find out 'why', at least to get it documented.  I haven't heard from him yet, but I also told him that he really needs to educate himself, or he could be taken to the cleaners very easily.

I've missed you all SO much!  I may not be able to be here every day, but definitely more frequently than I have been.  I hope all is well.....as it can be, given the circumstances we're all in.........with all of you and want to let you all know that tho I may have been away from this site, you all have not been far from my heart and always in my prayers!
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......



I have been asking everyone about you! I sure have missed you alot! Well DH's trial is over......but still pending a decision from the judge! Hope it comes out in DH's favor as we know that would be in SS's best interest!

I am so gald you are back and all is well your way!




**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**


You sound like you're back to old form. Have missed you tons.

Kitty C.

I was reading your post about it...sounds like you gave her BOTH barrels in court......WAY TO GO!  And it sounds like the judge has her number, too!  I wil be praying for a swift and positive outcome, especially for your SS's sake......that poor child has been thru TOO much already!
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


We gave it everything we have for the best interest of SS! I just pray that with all the time the judge is taking in making his decision he is really considering what is in SS's best interest!

As of today there has been no news but I will keep everyone updated once we get the decision. (and hopefully it is good news) Also does anyone in iowa know when a judge waits days to make a decision .........do they give a reason for their decisions? (like i changed custody because ect ect ect..........or i didnt change custody because ect ect ect????

We are in hopes that we get a REASON as to why the decision was made even if it is DH's favor!

PS. Kitty sure is good to see you back here..........I had been asking others here about you and wondering where you were as well as how things were going up your way. Plus I tried to send you an email and it came back and could not be delievered. You had me wondering about you! LOL!!


Welcome Back!!!
I have missed reading your posts full of good advice.
I emailed you a couple weeks ago, but wasnt sure you would get it. Do you have a new email?
We were also in your neck of the woods last month, but I was sure your old number wouldnt work.
