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Ruling Favors Ex-Model in Custody Fight

Started by Brent, Apr 01, 2005, 09:39:06 AM

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Unfotunately, not an April Fools joke. :(

Ruling Favors Ex-Model in Custody Fight

Published: April 1, 2005

Twin 5-year-old girls who were the subjects of a bitter custody battle between their parents - John Aylsworth, a casino executive, and Bridget Marks, a former Playboy model and actress who lives in Manhattan - are to be returned to their mother's custody, a state appellate court ruled yesterday.

A panel of judges from the Appellate Division of State Supreme Court overturned a decision last May by Judge Arlene Goldberg of Manhattan Family Court placing the girls in the custody of Mr. Aylsworth after the judge found that Ms. Marks had tried to alienate him from the girls by coaching them to say that he had abused them. Judge Goldberg determined that the allegations were false.

In their decision, the appellate judges deplored the false allegations, but said it appeared that they had not had a lasting effect on the girls' relationships with their father.

The judges also noted that Mr. Aylsworth travels often, and that the girls would be left in the care of his wife, who is their stepmother, or paid caregivers. They said the girls should be placed with their mother, because they were "entitled to be raised by a parent."



Any one who watched the tapes of Ms. Marks behavior can see that she doesn't want what is best for the kids.

It truly is a shame.  Hopefully Mr. Aylsworth was able to really strengthen his bond with the girls to hold up to what will be coming in the future years.


In the last paragraph, they feel the stepmom and care givers should not be a "replacement" for a parent.

Now how many Dads out there who would be willing and able to have their children while Mommy is at work. Bottom line, they don't get their kids on mommys work time. Total double standard...



His Side Special: Father's Side in Bridget Marks Custody Case to Speak Publicly for First Time
April 2, 2005

The promo for this week's His Side--"Father's Side in Bridget Marks Custody Case to Speak Publicly for First Time"--is below.    

We invite you to call the show and join the discussion in progress at 1-800-439-4805 (lines open this Sunday from 5-6PM PST).

For those who are outside of our radio stations' coverage ranges, you can listen to the show live this Sunday (4/3/05) via our station's excellent Internet stream at Listen Live.

His Side with Glenn Sacks can be heard on WSNR AM 620 in New York City and North-Eastern New Jersey, and on WWZN AM 1510 in Boston on Sundays at 10 PM EST. The show can also be heard in Southern California on KTIE AM 590 at 5 PM PST.

The originally scheduled show for this Sunday, "Police Officers Unite to Defend Their Livelihoods Against False DV Allegations," will air Sunday, April 10.

My e-mail has been very sporadic.  If you sent me something within the past few days it probably didn't get here. You can resend to [email protected].

Best Wishes,
Glenn Sacks
Listen to His Side with Glenn Sacks


Father's Side in Bridget Marks Custody Case
to Speak Publicly for First Time

In one of the most stunning and unconscionable court rulings of our time, a New York Appellate court ruled that Bridget Marks did in fact coach her 5 year-old twin girls to make false allegations of sexual molestation against their father--and then granted her sole custody of the girls!

Marks won custody in part due to the widespread media sympathy she created through constant theatrics, playing victim, and her determination to place her little girls in the public spotlight. After losing custody of the girls to John Aylsworth, her ex-boyfriend, she successfully took her side of the story to the public via appearances on Larry King Live, PrimeTime Live, The O'Reilly Factor, and Dr. Phil, and through quotes in one-sided "news" articles in the New York Daily News and the New York Post.

In contrast to Marks, Aylsworth and his attorney, Patricia Grant, have, in the interests of protecting the girls from the media circus Marks has created, declined to speak publicly about the case--until now.

Grant will give Aylsworth's side of the story--a side barely known to the public--on His Side with Glenn Sacks on Sunday, April 3 at 5 PM PST/8 PM EST. Also appearing will be Dr. Steven Walker of the divorce and family issues TV show Families in Transition. For those who are outside of our radio stations' coverage ranges, you can listen to the show live via our station's excellent Internet stream at Listen Live.  
You can call the show and join the discussion in progress at 1-800-439-4805 (lines open this Sunday from 5-6 PM PST).

To learn more, see:

News articles on recent decision: TUG-O'-LOVE TWIST  (New York Post, 4/1/05); Ruling Favors Ex-Model in Custody Fight (New York Times, 4/1/05); and Model gets her girls back (New York Daily News, 4/1/05)

Glenn's co-authored column Ruling in High-Profile Marks Custody Case: Painful but Correct (Men's News Daily, 9/14/04)

Glenn's radio commentary--In Defense of Judge Arlene Goldberg (print & audio available)

His Side: Allred vs. Tong--Is Parental Alienation Syndrome aFathers' Rights Hoax?

Pro-Marks opinion column Courts see moms as guilty till proven innocent (New York Daily News, 6/21/04)

Judge Arlene Goldberg's Order Granting Custody (see second decision) and the new Appellate Court Ruling

Hear Bridget Marks on Nothing but the Truth with Dean Tong by clicking here and here.

Pro-Marks newspaper column Twins' daddy twists knife (New York Daily News, 6/17/04)

Parents Who Have Successfully Fought Parental Alienation Syndrome by Jayne A. Major, Ph.D.

Steven Carlson's (AKA the Child Custody Coach) informative page on PAS

His Side with Glenn Sacks can be heard on WSNR AM 620 in New York City and North-Eastern New Jersey, and on WWZN AM 1510 in Boston on Sundays at 10 PM EST. The show can also be heard in Southern California on KTIE AM 590 at 5 PM PST. To listen live via the Internet from anywhere in the world, go to Listen Live. Both radio and Internet listeners are encouraged to call and participate in the show live and on the air at 1-800-439-4805 (lines open Sundays from 5-6PM PST).

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GlennSacks.com / HisSide.com

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What is even more disturbing is the inevitable coaching they will now get  to further prevent them from wanting to be with their father...and after watching the behavior of this psycho-bitch,  I am quite sure the ex-husband will see how she uses this as a power trip and lets him know that she has won on every occasion she can....



>They said the girls
>should be placed with their mother, because they were
>"entitled to be raised by a parent."

A parent?  Shouldn't they be etitled to being raised by BOTH parents?  
This is sick.  Having met her, I don't doubt she loves her children.  I also don't doubt that putting them in the spotlight and teaching them to be "victims" is disgusting and abusive.  Equal time should have been ordered here, those girls are being so mistreated by our "all or nothing" family law system.
  Dr. Phil has done such a wonderful job helping out this "poor desperate mother who is just trying to protect her babies".  He also had the opportunity to help a desperate Father who is also just trying to love and protect his babies. I guess Bridget has a cuter a$$ than Will.  


>be the next spokesperson for N.O.W.
 I'm sure Dr. Phil will be glad to plug it on national television for her.


Pathetic. As a father about to enter into a custody battle where the ex has taken a page from Ms. Marks' book, it causes me great concern to think that any judge in the land would award custody to a mother who clearly does not have the children's best interest in mind.

This article gives hope to psycho-bitches everywhere.