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Started by pinson, Sep 21, 2005, 11:31:38 PM

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I am sending this to anyone I can with hopes that you can lead me in the right direction. I am currently in a beautiful relationship with a very beautiful man whom I watch on a daily basis suffer from what his ex-wife is doing to him. Just over two years ago his wife said she was going to visit with her sister out of state and in truth she never had any intention of coming back. See this was not a problem except for the fact that she took his baby girl with her and has kept her location a secret. She has not made it possible for him to see his daughter and it is breaking his heart. Up until now he was unable to afford legal representation and was given a three day notice of the court hearing. He was unable to appear and now is paying dearly. He has always paid his support of $600/mo but has only seen his daughter once in these two long years. This is killing him as he has been, from the time she was born until the time her mother took her, her primary caretaker. She is now taking him back to court with false accusations to his character and the life he lives to attemt to take her from him forever. His biggest hurdle is that the  career that he chose to help better himself so he can afford a great attorney, is the same career that unfortunatly keeps him from traveling more than an hour away. He is on call 365 days a year in his profession and this makes it impossible to appear in court most especially with only three days notice to aquire representation and get there. I am reaching out to anyone who can help. I just need names. You see I have been researching day and night to help him and still have come up with no names. By names I mean attorneys to help us fight this. I don't just mean your average lawyer but someone who has strong beliefs and a high success rate with fathers rights. We are in Texas but his ex-wife is in Oklahoma so we need an Oklahoma lawyer...FAST!  Unfortunatly he believed her when she told him that she was not staying in OK and would return when she got her head together. Well months went by and no word from her other than a couple of messages stating that she still needs time. He was unaware of her true intentions. Really what she was doing is just holding him off until her six months had past so that she could file for divorce and custody in a state other than what the marriage took place in. I think she knew if she were to stay here in Texas things would have had a different outcome. She has made the comment several times that she has every intention of erasing him from his little girls life forever and has even told him he might as well sign away his rights so he will not have to pay child support because she does not need nor want his money. I just hate seeing this happen to such a loving father. If there is any attorneys referals,sites or resources you can send my way I cannot begin to tell you how much I would appreciate it. Again, I am looking for an Oklahoma lawyer that fights strongly for fathers rights.
Thank You


I know this is all exciteing to you, and new ! But problems like yours are why this site exsists <> Some one will have some insight for you keep checking back < My problem was very different than yours , But the same attackes from the mother <
    In Wash state they appointed  a Guardian ad Litem . And the GAL reports to the Judge , Get an atty that tells you what the process is in your state ,  Or the state of Jurisdiction . ,. Interview many atty's And read atty selection on this site it has drop down menues  And a lot of info in it . Ask if they appoint a GAL Or CASA , Casa Is some type of child advocate . However some one needs to respond to the paperwork , He needs to get an atty that doesn't charge an arm and a leg for this < And you don't need the dream team . You need a decent atty that knows family law ,
    I have some basic questions for you to ask
  And this site has them also
  1, Do you  prefer to represent men or women ?
  2 . What are the majority of your clients . Men or women ?
  3 , Do you believe men have rights ?
  4 , What Is the basic process here ?
    The answers should bend toward men ,
 DO NOt hire any atty that tells some go get em Type story There is no such thing , The court has specific laws , And My atty told me Family law has a lot of leaway for the judge to decide !
    So Be nice and a good parent , I started with a nightmare , And a moveaway can be really bad for the parent that does that , I can't remmember what My atty filed for another guy I met , BUT My atty say's If they pull the move away game it can back fire on them , As they are a danger of a moveaway and the court see;s this , So TALK TO MANY ATTY"S , Interview interview < There are atty's that prefer to take men , I fired two , And got one that mostly represents men , Because thats what he prefers , SO THEY ARE OUT THERE ! dON'T JUST HIRE AN ATTY . there is a board on here called Socrateaser , the person the answers these questions Is an atty and requires a format < read the format , And post appropiatly , He will give you some good info on what to do , If not Your boy friend needs to show up at the hearing some how and tell the court he needs some time to get good representation , I don't know if you can do it for him , But You could call the court he is too appear in and Be really nice and ask , Have a pen and paper ready , And try a couple departments , The mother of My son tried all the allegations and character assasination on me < It did not work ! It costed he a lot of money , And It took like three years but I have a parenting plan and she now knows she has to go by it <
 In the interim . As He goes to this hearing he may find out if he should file a temporary parenting plan , And Make a motion to appoint a GAL . If they do that In OK , However  he needs to show up at the hearingin the least ! And tell the judge His basic story , The mother Can't get away with this unless he lets her <
  You need to call a bunch of atty's in Ok And get one you could credit card some money to go get the court date changed to a later date so you have some time  to get representation


I am not being mean or unsympthetic to this situation, But . . .

What the hell does this mean??

>>> His biggest hurdle is that the career that he chose to help better himself so he can afford a great attorney, is the same career that unfortunatly keeps him from traveling more than an hour away. He is on call 365 days a year in his profession and this makes it impossible to appear in court most especially with only three days notice to aquire representation and get there

What does he do that is so much more important than his child? I don't know of, or can imagine any job that would reequire no days off and no vacation time. I am not being a hard ass. Trust me a judge will want to know how committed he is to this child if he can't get his butt to the courthouse. The judge will want to know who will be parenting this child if her father can be called into work without notice. Child support is really a no-brainer, you run the numbers and unless there is a reason to deviate from the formula, he pays what the numbers say he should.

He needs to re-prioritize his life to be able to activly participate in this childs life. Unless and until his daughter comes before his job, a judge will not be granting fair parenting time.

The Witch

Remember . . . KARMA is a Wonderful Thing!!!!!


 What part of Oklahoma is the mother in? I maybe can give you some names. Email me the info and I will see what I can come up with. [email protected]


Bruce Martin
705  Eighth street
Suite 600
Witcha Falls, Texas 76301


Bruce is a Board Certified Family Law Specialist. He is a wonderful person & very father friendly. I have seen him work miracles for many people, including my son. He is licensed in both Texas & Ok.

I do want to say that Hagatha is right. He must put his employer on alert that he will have to go to court. Once he has an attorney, I can guarantee that there will be no very short notices.  He will have to provide the court with a parenting plan that will also include what will happen when he is called in.

I had to move to Texas because the court said that in order for my son to get custody, he had to prove that he would have coverage when he had to work 2nd & 3rd shift. Being a parent is very demanding & comes before everything else, but it is worth everything.

Good luck & God bless.