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Started by gipsy, Mar 03, 2006, 08:25:59 AM

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I was on TGB's links page , And thelinks do not work , I don't know if it's your page or my computer ?
    The questions is about My legal rights to counseling records in Washington state


In WA state you have the same rights of access as the CP. See "Access Your Child's School and Medical Records" at http://www.deltabravo.net/custody/access.htm


Thanks : I told her I had legal rights  Although I wasn't sure , She must have checked because she gave me the info . Any suggestions about talking to the counselor ?
 My Idea  Is just ask a couple questions
   1 Why Is my son in counseling?
   2, What can i do to help
  Of course I am worried about what the mother will be up too , But Nothing will surprise me !



Did she put him in counseling w/out your consent???  Don't you have joint legal??

**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**


Yes, those links are getting a bit old and I don't have time to go through all of them and update the links.

Try http://access.wa.gov and go to the legislature website for links to the statutes.

You can also see the text at http://www.deltabravo.net/custody/access.htm .