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Started by superdad01, May 09, 2007, 02:54:38 PM

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I sent you a pm did you get it? if you did reply i have no idea how to check pm messages. I cannot find a folder or a inbox for personal messages.


Once you are logged in, along the top you will see "user menu" click on that and to the left you will see "inbox" click on that and then you can see the messages.

The only PM I see from you is from May 2nd and I responded to you already, but directly from my inbox rather then logging on here and responding from this site. Did you get my response?

If not, I'll resend it tomorrow when I get in to work.

How are things going?


nope diden't get it... if you want you can post it in here as well. just to make sure I get it.  if you can send me my message to you as well. I wanted the people on here to see the message I got from this guy


Your Message:

You have following message from knightryda01.
Subject: hey
Message: well I had a meeting with the attorny. he thought I basically should wait till she starts working to attempt anything. Basically he tought I had no case at all so to speak. I came away not even liking this guy... We talked a lot about fathers rights. He said he was glad the equal parenting bill did not pass... (I'm thinking yea cause it would effect your bottom line ya jerk)  all in all not a positive experience in my book. I appreciated the fact that he was the first attorney who was not gung ho to get back in court. He seeemed to say that my other attorney's did things ass backwards so to speak. He said he did not see my jusitifed change in circumstance. I need to wait it out till mom works.

I said what you said about things to do and he said that probally wouldent work either. He said things are moving away from pro father  or equal father and you can't impute a nursing income if they are not working.

The real kicker was I was never told about a consult fee. Odviosly if I would have been I would have looked around a little more. This guy was like I'm only gonna charge you 175. I'm like jesus I was never told. so he dropped it to a 100 and said mail it in.


My Response:


I still suggest you take the actions to have back-up childcare in case you get called in and send her the information to avoid having any further confrontations.

I am leaning towards waiting for mom to be working as well. It is hard to modify an agreement without a change in circumstances unfortunately.

You do need to protect your ass and the back-up child care with letter to her to spell out the procedure will allow you to give her the right of first refusal AND keep you from having future confrontations.

I cannot remember all of the suggestions I gave you, but I will check it out on the board today. I know that all of the cover your ass ones are good. Lawyers like conflict, it means more money for them.

I recently went through a modification of child support after a failed bid to transfer custody in which I went pro-se. It seemed like custody was going to be changed all the way up to the last hearing and that judge was a jerk. Our county, you see a different judge every time. However, not wanting to get ripped on the CS and ex trying to get her attorney fees paid by me, I retained an attorney for the final leg of this crazy journey. $2500 and he never even stepped into a court room. 9 months later, we have a signed agreement for CS (which was lowered), and $50 left of the retainer. I only met the guy one time. He realized real quick that I was not going to allow this to spiral out of control. Even with my close eye on this and me doing all of the investigative stuff myself, it still ate up all of the money.

As I told you, you have a pretty good order for parenting time. Maximize it I say.

I guess you should just stick with the attorney you've got. Switching now could be hard on your case. But the ultimate choice is up to you.

Good luck.