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Medical bills vs he said she said

Started by superdad01, Oct 27, 2008, 09:26:39 AM

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Ok so I recieved some Dr bills for my daughter. First my ex is not even paying the $10 co-pay for an office visit so they stick me with the bill.

Now I get another bill for blood work etc. totalling like $300 Now in our court order she is supposed to pay a certain amount... I forget the percentage offhand.

When I bring it up to her, she says well you never paid for the babysitter? I'm like what? She said I mailed you the bills.....
In our 5 years of being seperated she has never mailed me one thing.
I said I never got them. So I think she was just trying to bribe me into paying the full thing by my self.

First we have first right of refusal... which she never contacted me if she did use a sitter and second for someone who has not worked in the last 5 years I find it questionable to when someone would need a sitter.  Also the mom and the sitter have a personal relationship so I could see where some lying to attain money be in their benefit.

Anyone have a similar issues with this and how could you fight them in court.


Call the drs and have them change the bill to her address. Tell them that she is custodial parent and you have not signed anything for your daughter at their office. I would then follow it up with a letter in case they put it into collections.
You don't want to screw up your credit report so get your name off the account.

Send you ex a certified letter stating to send you her cancelled checks for any medical bills and you will reimburse her the court ordered amount. Remember to make sure what the insurance covers. Also put in the letter that you have the first right of refusal and if she needs to get a babysitter to call you. If you both can not watch her then you will split the cost as per the court order.


OK, but since I am the one who has medical coverage on our daughter it would still be in my name correct? So if it went to her address in my name then I would not even see the bill that she is not paying.

lol I doubt she would send me anything including cancelled checks.

We are supposed to split childcare 50/50

Yet my mother will watch her for free...... Now you figure someone with no job would think that free grandmother provided childcare would be better then paying a babysitter...... Not in her case.