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An open letter to SPARC and Brent

Started by nerd, Jan 03, 2004, 06:26:47 PM

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Indigo Mom

Stay away from me!  This is the SECOND thread you and I have been deleted from!

You're a bad influence!!!!!  I'm just an innocent lil thang...I can't be getting in trouble with the likes of you!



I think I will stay around awhile longer.



hehehehe,, gotta admit, yer thread got a lotta replies ;)

Kitty C.

'I know this will probably get me kicked off the board, but surely there is somewhere else out there an old woman can go to that doesn't have someone posting NUMEROUS times a day and in NUMEROUS places, trying to make me feel like scum because of my gender.'

As a woman who's been here almost since inception of this site, and MIGHT be considered old by some here, I have NEVER felt like scum because I'm a woman because of the articles that Brent posts.  On the contrary, it makes my resolve that much stronger, to fight for the rights of the children.  

It's all in preception.  If you want to feel like scum, then go right ahead.  Many times it pisses me off, but certainly NOT at myself, but at the crazy wack-o's out there who are perpetuating it.  If anything, many radical feminists used to make me ASHAMED to be a woman, but not anymore.  THEY are the ones who should be ashamed.  Because with their thinking and what they've done to society, IMO they have NO RIGHT to the gender.

As far as content goes, the court system is Mommy-biased, so Brent's posts on what the feminists are doing or thinking tells US a lot about the tone and timbre of the courts.  As we ALL know that whatever the feminists to, the tail-wagging politicians will go along with.  ONLY when that tie is broken will we ever see REAL changes in the court system and ACTUAL help for the children.
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


You should have been here a few years ago.  Aaaay carumba!  The funny thing is that if Brent doesn't post some of these articles, I will.  He usually beats me to it.  Sweetheart, 99% of the people here are ok.  You'll find bitter people everywhere on the internet, but I don't think Brent falls under that category.

I've learned a lot about my responsibilities towards my children and visitation because of this site.  I've also gotten a lot of good advice.  Nerd, if you're here you aren't a feminist, so please don't take offense at the articles posted.  Yeah some of it is "off color", but I think that stuff is funny.  Maybe you should avoid Brent's posts?

Anyway, take care and have a good day :-)


When my hubby and I bagan going through all the CS and custody probs. with his ex.  I looked for help everywhere.  I went to legal websites that bashed me for being an involved stepmom and loving his child.   I even went to a website called singlemomz.com to try and get BM's side of things.  Instead of one helpful reply I had about 50 women tell me to step back and I don't deserve to post for my husband's or my own understanding of the situation.  I've have been yelled at so many times for caring about my stepdaughter I started to question whether or not I should just forget and never become a loving stepmom because everyother woman out there seemed to feel if you give birth your God and if you don't you're scum, luckly my conscience wouldn't let me give up.  If you here female bashing or dislike in your search for help,  Don't take it personally.  These topics make emotions run high and sometimes people don't realize they're being hurtful to good people.  Most likely, the non-support you've recieved is because almost everyone in these places has been hurt.  Its not fair that you were made to feel bad for the past experiences you haven't caused, but its easy to see why it happens.  Learn be strong, let your love guide you, and you will find the help you need, eventually.  And on behalf of those that may have hurt you as a backlash to their own pain, you have my apologies and sympathy.


When my hubby and I bagan going through all the CS and custody probs. with his ex.  I looked for help everywhere.  I went to legal websites that bashed me for being an involved stepmom and loving his child.   I even went to a website called singlemomz.com to try and get BM's side of things.  Instead of one helpful reply I had about 50 women tell me to step back and I don't deserve to post for my husband's or my own understanding of the situation.  I've have been yelled at so many times for caring about my stepdaughter I started to question whether or not I should just forget and never become a loving stepmom because everyother woman out there seemed to feel if you give birth your God and if you don't you're scum, luckly my conscience wouldn't let me give up.  If you here female bashing or dislike in your search for help,  Don't take it personally.  These topics make emotions run high and sometimes people don't realize they're being hurtful to good people.  Most likely, the non-support you've recieved is because almost everyone in these places has been hurt.  Its not fair that you were made to feel bad for the past experiences you haven't caused, but its easy to see why it happens.  Learn be strong, let your love guide you, and you will find the help you need, eventually.  And on behalf of those that may have hurt you as a backlash to their own pain, you have my apologies and sympathy.


i've read this post, and the replies....

i'm a woman

i love reading his posts

i bash feminazis at times

i bash revolving door parents of any gender

makes no difference to me... what's best for our kiddies matters

post on dude
