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Started by SallyandJack, Jun 03, 2004, 02:29:32 PM

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The children are crying and screaming because their mother put them through this publicly.....USED her children to gain the upper hand in her own "battle" and LIED about something that could have ruined lives....Judge thinks this is bullshit and sets an example......maybe preventing others from pulling these stunts...so as SallyandJack would say"woooohoooo"


No, I'm on the right site....

since you claim I only see what the media has shown on this case...how about you tell us all about what you know that hasn't been shown in the media.... Do you know these two? What special insight do you have?

Bridget has gotten national attention for her case..and nowthe timeline of events will show that this so called father was completely absent until she filed for support, as is typical. Suddenly, after a support case is field, he wants full custody. This case is going to expose this little game!!


"oh...and lovingmom



I'm unmoved by your "typical" antagonistic attitude. Only a sick coward cheers when children are hurt. Too bad for yours.


I am confident that, ultimately, this case is going ot be most benefical to mothers fighting for custody....the BS that this dad pulled is everyday stuff....and now it ill be exposed via the media......

Too bad this so called dad (and grandfather...lol) didn't want custody or visitation BEFORE the support motion was filed (anytime during the FOUR YEARS)....


"I am also cheering because those girls have a Dad and SM who apparently have enough concern for them to want to shield them from such tug-of-wars and mudslinging. The Father's objective is apparently not to 'get back at' the Mom. "

What is the father's objective? Where was he for four years? Why wouldn't he pay their school tuition? Why did he want her to abort the children? Why did he only file for custody after the petition for support?

Oh, and has anyone on here been through this sort of thing (losing your children to someone you believe will harm them?) How did you react?


Seems as though you are confusing what dad did to mom......as far as I'm concerned, mom hurt the kids more by lying and exposing THEM to the media, not exposing her case to the media


The "woo-hooo" wasn't for the fact that children are hurt.  It is for the fact that a judge won't let you lie a play games when it comes to the children.  As for you....you disagree with what someone has to say and attack with "too bad for your children?"...Lovingmom...now that's an oxymoron....emphasis on the moron.


There's so much name calling on thsse boards...no wonder you are all here.


passionate parents with passionate views...


>There's so much name calling on thsse boards...no wonder you
>are all here.

Interesting assumption..I happen to be the CP.