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Started by MYSONSDAD, Jun 10, 2004, 04:22:15 PM

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After viewing how many are now signed up here, I cannot believe that only a few, are willing to take a few minutes to write a short letter.

Judge Goldberg has rendered a decision that could change things for so many of us. She needs to know the stories of non-custodials and what they deal with.

This is a chance for all of us to show support. Quit crying and whining and do something positive.

We all saw the positive results of the 'Boys are Stupid' campaign.

Look what happened in Iowa.

It's called team work and putting our efforts into the good of all children to be active with both parents.

I know your computers are not broke, I know you can type. If I have to write a hundred letters a day to have a more active part in my sons life, I will write forever.

That is why God invented 'copy and paste'

There are around 1600 members here. If each person wrote and asked a family member or friend to also write. That is well over 3000 letters. It takes less then two minutes.

Help make a difference, if this is reversed due to pressure from oposing groups, don't cry to me.


P.S. GEORGIE, if I have made any spelling errors, you can send me a PM


I wrote two emails and received two responses from the judge's office immediately.  The judge is getting spanked on this ruling.  She needs reinforcement from our "silenced" majority.

This judge took custody away from a parent who was a PAS initiator.  Most of the court's in this country refuse to accept PAS as a valid psychological disorder and this judge made a ruling based on that.  This is so unbelievably huge.

This birthmother is going before this judge again in four weeks.  I'm scared to death that given the court of public opinion, this ruling could go south.

For all the noncustodial parents who talk about their PAS custodial parent, and I read it all of the time on these forums, this is a precedent for all of us.

The Honorable Judge Goldberg
60 Lafayette Street
New York, NY 10013

Email: David Bookstaver
[email protected]


havnt received a reply yet, maybe that is a good sign!



I just e-mailed.  Mine was a simple and quick note of support.  

Does anyone have a good form letter that could be slightly edited by each sender, then pasted onto an e-mail?


In a sense, yes.

Writing to anyone I do not know makes me nervous.

I have sent an email though, just because, as a Mother, I am disgusted by Marks behavior since the ruling.

As far as I am concerned, she reinforced the Judges decision with her actions.

To get media help is one thing, to drag the children in front of the cameras is abuse as far as I am concerned.

She didn't learn, did she?

She loses custody because of PAS.

Then gets on the news continues to slander her children's Father, all while the kids are right there!  (Which now gives the Father evidence on tape.... he he)

As a Mother, I find this disgusting.

I can't stand my ex, but our son doesn't know that!


Simple and sweet is fine!

Everyone of us has faced PAS in some form. A short summary of what you've had to deal with will open her eyes of what a wide spread concern this truly is. PAS is also used in many ways. She needs to hear this.

No form letters, I think things mean more when they come from the heart and everyone has a different story to tell.

Showing support for Judge Goldberg's decision WILL make a difference.


The way Marks handled things is not love.

Those girls are just a meal ticket to her.

"Children learn what they live"


HMMMM - been away for a few days....what did I miss?

i wrote last week (actually i emailed)

here is what i sent

June 3, 2004
The Honorable Judge Goldberg
60 Lafayette Street
New York, NY  10013

Dear Judge Goldberg,

I wanted to write you a quick note of support on your ruling on the Marks/Aylsworth case yesterday.

I have seen the horrible effects of Parent Alienation Syndrome (PAS) first hand and I think that your ruling will have a positive impact on an issue that has been largely ignored by the courts.

It is about time that someone took a stand against this disgusting epidemic in our country. Again, kudos to a job well done.

and here is the response I got

I have spent the morning answering angry e-mails- Yours was clearly
one of the more thoughtful ones and I will pass that one on to her .
David B.

his email address is David Bookstaver [[email protected]] for all of u that want to email him



you started all of this with your great idea to contact the judge.  we're just trying to get everyone here at SPARC to send a note, the response seems to be very slow.


I tried to send an email to the address in this thread.... bounced, the address is "no longer accepting messages"

Anyone have another email address?

I will print my letter and snail mail also.