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Aussie...when do you think you will hear something?

Started by nosonew, Sep 03, 2004, 04:17:27 PM

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Psychological Evaluation. First and foremost court appointed to avoid any argument that this is YOUR expert. I will describe my experience making the assumption that mum's was a mirror image which would make sense given the findigs. There was a degree of argument about who we should use as I stated in my original thread. I put up an expert that I believed would be the MOST qualified. Mum's attorney actually put up 2 names originally - one who was under disciplinary review by his board and the other who is a known CPS conduit and is a man hater when it comes to his work. I say that in all seriousness. Research by my FTC revealed this man had not arrived at a positive "daddy outcome" in years.

When we successfully objected to the first two names, mum's counsel put up a personal friend of his from Phoenix that he had known for 20 years who had an expertise in sexually violent people - hardly what I needed for mum but clearly another opportunity for mum to push the pedophile angle. When I got the name I did some digging and made contact with this guy and asked him about his experience and also for his CV. He indicated he was no longer in private practice so he would not be taking any court appointed case work. The very next day mum's counsel withdrew the name of his guy and the expert that we proposed was assigned to the case. The lesson here is dig, dig, dig and find the right person to do the job. Not any old one will do. The expert who was finally assigned had many years of experience working in the state mental hospital and had been knee deep in borderlines, bipolars etc. so he knew what to look for. Remember mine was only a suspicion at this time.

Our guy did a full set of clinical interviews of mum and myself for about 10-12 hours over 3 visits. He requested every piece of material that was available from counselors, therapists, pscychologists etc. He advised he would NOT review any of this material until after his testing was done. It does make sense because he did not want it to influence his findings but to support them if he did his work correctly. He ran several standardized tests to identify any potential problems. All tests are considered as objective except for 4+ 5 but this doctor might even disagree with that because he has indicated in dialogs with my FTC that even subjective tests that are scored objectivally using a viable mechanism are very reliable.

2. MMPI-2
4. TAT
5. Rorschach
6. PSI
7. IPDE-Screening

I made great efforts during my evaluation NOT to go after mum and/or her family. I focused only on myself and my family and attempted to not disparage mum in any way. This fact was recognized in both my final report as well as mum's. She on the other hand went after me like a pit bull and made at least a dozen more allegations to the evaluator during her clinic interviews. In retrospect the advice from counsel and my FTC was entirely appropriate. It is hard to sit there and take it in the shorts non-stop but I think if one can handle it well it speaks volumes to the evaluator about your state of mind & your ability not to perpetuate this nasty mess anymore than it might otherwise.

I do have a redacted copy of the report which I am willing to provide if any reader wants to see it to further help them. I can fax it or email it in PDF format. I do this to help others see what a psychological evaluation looks like and how it might be used to impeach the lunatic sitting on the other side of the fight. I also have something else that while not on point totally will likely be of use to many readers here. I mention it because I am going to make it available also. It is a review of some of mum's taped conversations with my child demonstrating the coercion, contamination and perversion of a parental role. Dr. Underwager (now unfortunately passed away) said it was some of the most shocking examples of PA he had seen. For either of these documents send me a PM and I will send them offline. I do not intend to just post them for the masses.

As for language in parenting orders designed to prevent the custodial interference (CI) or perhaps getting contempt orders for the same purpose. They are quite honestly unenforceable and send only a minor punitive message. I wish there was a better answer or suggestion but I have had orders in my case preventing mum and the SF from sleeping in the same bed and/or bedroom as my child and they do it anyways. The GAL knows about it, myc hild's therapist knows and just told me to "let it go because at least the SF is not sleeping in the same bed", the SF admitted it under oath and yet nobody wants to do anything about it. You can be sure if it was me in violation that the full weight of the court would be felt against me. Pick your fights.

I can only tell you what my daughter does. She was 4 when the first of these accusations started. She has told me many times that mum lied and that she thinks of her and I as a team against mum and the police. That is both astute and sad. She understands right vs wrong and good touch vs bad touch. Those lessons saved me from a very horrible place and I have told her many times that I am proud of her for what she did in April 2003, October 2003 and every other time her mum pushed her to make false statements about her relationship with me. I hear the experts say children are resilient. That may be true but why should they have to be so that one parent can use them as a pawn/battering ram in their fight against another parent? The fact that the child can and will protect themselves to some degree is of some comfort but not much in my mind.


Just wanted to keep you all up to date. Yesterday at a transition - my child was coming back to me, mum handed me a letter. In it she tells me that if I do not agree NOT to go to our daughter's PTA Spaghetti Dinner evening which happens to occur at a time she has her that she will call the police. I called her to put her on notice that I did indeed plan on attending this PTA meeting and special event and that I did not need her permission to do so. She put the phone down on me and then called me back and said "you are a fucking lunatic pedophile" and hung up. I have grown used to her compliments so I did nothing. Clearly all of the testimony last week did nothing to shake her notion that I am not what she claims I am. I have referred the matter to counsel. This is just the shape of things to come I fear.


Clearly, nothing can/will ever get through to such a person. You are dealing with an insane individual.

Be careful!


Well don't let her ruin your time at the spagetti dinner, go have fun. You have every right to attend this function and should.

She will probably never get it, until she gets help. Thankfully your daughter has you.

**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**


I have been following your posts with fascination and absolute horror!  I truly do commend your strength to face such malicious accusations and still keep going forward.  

Your daughter and you are fortunate that you have had the financial resources to continue such a lengthy battle.  Our son will be tens of thousands of dollars in debt for several years, and this was incurred just in trying to obtain visitation with his daughters.  The girls have been abused and neglected since birth, and continue to be grossly underweightand severely malnourished, but son has no more money for a custody battle.  It is tragic that a fit and loving parent has to pay what amounts to "ransom" to the legal system in order to rescue their own child(ren) from an abusive situation!  

The girls' BM was diagnosed years ago, after several suicide attempts, as borderline bipolar.  We've also been told that she probably has a strong personality disorder.  We suspect narcissistic/antisocial.  

This has been our family's worst nightmare.  Our son and my husband and I have all suffered false accusations by BM, though NOTHING like what you've endured.  Our son also had a GAL from "planet feminazi", and we've endured incompetent lawyers and idiot biased judges.  As always, it's the children who suffer the most harm!  So I can only imagine how difficult your situation has been for you and your daughter.

You both have been and will be in my prayers.


The accusations do get a bit tiring and people are so willing to believe them as outrageous as they are. Hard to prove a negative. I agree that if I had not been willing to spend, spend, spend that this would have been tough to prevail on which in of itself is sad. I will be in debt when all is said and done but I know that I will have done the right thing.

I am sorry to hear about your situation. I find myself wondering what it will take for all the feminazzis that are pervasive in the system to get justice for my child and for me. Mum's phone call to me yesterday has reminded me that despite being told by experts, CPS, law enforcement et all she cannot accept that she is wrong. She is married to her own delusions and that is destructive and unsafe for our child. I do not wish what I have been through on anyone. Even my FTC said that this was one of the worst cases of false accusations he had seen in a while and god knows he has seen some winners!

I am nervous but I think I will get justice so I am trying to get on with life. Please keep my child and I in your thoughts and hopefully soon I can reveal a good outcome for once. Be safe.