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Lawmoe quick question

Started by T0052SC, Nov 16, 2004, 07:49:03 AM

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In the state that this custody battle is going through the law on phone recordings is that it is inadmissable unless both parties give permission to be recorded.  My kids have been making a lot of comments to me on the phone of how the STBX tells them they can't talk to me on the phone, they are to just say hi and by, amongst other things.

My question; If I record my children and I on the phone can this be used as evidence, because I am a legal guardian and I give permission to record myself and the kids?  Also do you think this information would have an impact on the ruling as an attemt of PAS?


No. You must have their consent.  

However, recording their statement should not be necessary. If the matter is raised with the GAL, he/she will inquire of the children in most cases.


The GAL has moved on to a marital master.  He also refused to talked to the kids because he feels he can't get the truth from a five year old.  If I can't record my children and I on the phone the only thing I am left with is my joernal of events.  How credible will this be in court, because my attorney keeps insisting that the STBX will lie about all the events like she has done in the past.

I have made journal enteries similar to what has gone on in the recent phone conversations and the GAL only asked the STBX about them and not the kids.  For instance when my kids came to me and told me that I was no longer dad because mommy told them her new boy friend was dad because she wants them to have a mom and dad that live together.  That was just one, but of course she will lie and denie any of this it would only work against her.

What do I do to show the judge, I am very confused?