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question - do deadbeat mothers get off easier then men?

Started by catherine, Jan 23, 2008, 11:39:55 AM

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that is when the tax intercept letters go out.  The first year my ex was in arrears, it didn't happen until after Aug. so I didn't get his taxes the following spring.  Now I get his wife's, because he works under the table.  It's the only time a year I get any CS.  I'm with you on the tax rebate too.


my friend who is behind -- jurisidiction is MD.  She says she's about $200 behind....

Makes you wonder.


I know how you feel, my ex is $21k in arrears, he has been held in contempt AT LEAST 6 times in the past year, 5 bench warrents (once in jail) and yet the prosecutor keeps giving him chances after chances.

GRRRR my sons meds are $155 a month, the cs would really help.  I hate having to ask my DH for help as he pays almost $700 a month for his kids. Luckily cs office was really good when we were under $2k in arrears when we moved (we are now current)

I just don't understand how these mem/woman get so far behind, I can understand a few thousand as life happens that we cannot control sometimes, but come on.

We need to hold these DEADBEAT parents accountable as they make the paying parents get the crap end.

**These are my opinions, they are not legal advice**