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International Marrige Gone bad Wife leaves takes kids

Started by TurningLeaf2, Jan 08, 2009, 08:23:54 PM

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I was married in phillipines...... My wife and I have 2 Kids  9months and 3 years old  one born in Phillipines and made U.s. ccitizen born abroad.  Little girl born here one year later. Suddenly my wife became stay at home mother.

In the phillipines life was great.. So I bring her to U.S. When she come live here.... wife start feeling I poorman  (grass greener on other side).

She was  here on two year visia it expired. 

My wife learn if she claim demostic violence... The goverment provide all her dreams and expenses...  Her own house car school ...then she can send money home to phillipines

So she did.

That not working out as much as she learned from bad people... and in the womens shelters house she's now in....  her eyes are starting to open....

My wife in now starting to talk about she cann take kids  back to phillipines. Because she stuck a demostic on me.

My wife for the last 2 years has not concern for me or the future of our kids here.  And when we starting our own family  (money on tree's).

Last year we sent $10,00.00 to philippines... I can not do that anymore..it's busting us.

Life in her place in Phillipines not good ..no warter...free schools..or medical. bamboo hut 9 brothers and sister.

My wife  she have 1st son at home in Ph,.

Here it took 5 moth befor i could get her to go see doctor...she was high risk pregant !!!

My wife is not going to adjust.....

She breaks court orders.... nothing is real to her.

I not want a devorice....

I need people who know about international marrige sepration. and  sorry i need to start postioning myself for the kids..

Which is hard to do.. I do not want this...but the glamore she being showed.. is real to her.

Like I said she in shelter house... and that  ahappy life for her being where she came from in ph.

and the funny and not so funny is she say she still love me.....

She want it all without the work !!

and i been giving her both..allowing not to pick or choose.

Love her ... but... she will not make the choice... She dreams? never decides!!

I need people and leagle internationl advice.

I need to think of our kids future....

You can contact me...

E-mail  [email protected] or [email protected]

Home Phone 253-833-7787   In Seattle  Washington

I do not want This.... Need to be in a postion