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Child Support Problem Please Help

Started by joethejman4us, Mar 08, 2009, 03:02:27 AM

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  Me and my first wife had 3 children. We got divorced and I got custody of 1 of the children and she got custody of 2 of the children. I was ordered to pay 92 dollars a month to her as well as maintain medical and dental on all 3 children.
  Years passed (I kept current on payments) then one day one of the children she had custody of came to live with me. Now I have 2 children and she has 1. I went down to the child support office and filed a Child Support Modification Order. Well that was almost 2 years ago. I continually hound them for the review yet nothing has ever been done.
   Can they take this long to do the review? They said they were sorry it was taking this long. All this time I have been paying her like she had 2 children and the CS Office said that I would still have to pay till the court date. In addition she claimed the child on her taxes like she still had her as well as claiming food stamps and medicaid on her.
   I got fired around 6 months ago and could not make my payments (have hard enough time taking care of the 2 children).

Basically I'd like to know;

1). Can they take so long to do Modification reviews? I feel they have been ignoring me since I was a man. I even filed a complaint and never heard anything from it.

2). When they do the review will they make me pay the 6 months back support(or more if cant find a job) even tho the child arrangement changed almost 2 years ago?

3). Can they issue a warrant for my arrest because I owe back child support? Even If I'm taking care of 2 children?

I live in Nashville, TN.


Something is not right...
Either go down to child support yourself and talk to a live person...my state you can walk-in on most days OR
You can file a petition in court yourself. Call your local family court and see where you get the paperwork. Ask for a modification straight from the court. You should have a court date in a few weeks.  In the modification state that child has moved in with you (change of circumstance) since XXX date and you want it backdated to that date. You might have a shot of getting it retroactive but usually it is when you file the court papers.
Good luck!


Of course a review should not take that long.

You should not be arrested ESPECIALLY SINCE YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE IN THE ENTIRE SYSTEM that has and is caring for the child. 

If anybody cared about the child the child would be receiving support from the mother and the court, CS and the mother would not say they were sorry for taking so long. 

Look at it this way.  If you didn't give the mother $92 and she paid $92 for support of the child then the child would have $ 184 more per month (not counting medical/dental she should also be paying).

Children are deserving of better treatment by the system.