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Dealing with ignorance in a broken legal system .

Started by KnightsThunder1, Feb 25, 2004, 12:29:58 AM

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I don't know where to start, or how to put my mixed emotions into words in a most proper way. All I can tell you is what I have been thru for the past six years.  Back in 1996, I had already been caring for my father who suffered with Alzhimer for 6 years. I was at that age where I wanted to have a family, but also realized my age was getting up there. So one day I was browsing a magzine.

A minister in El Paso was introducing Mexican girls to Christian men. At that time I felt I was not predjuice. Friends told me they make good wives. So I answered the ad. I drove to El Paso to meet this minister. I paid his fee, he introduced me to my future wife. I only wish I never picked up that magzine. To make a long story short. I let her and her family talked me into marrying her after only three months. I only wish I knew of they're intentions.  
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Little did I know, it was all about money, and her wanting to have a reason for living I guess. She stayed long enough to get pregnant. Then her family came and got her. They were from mexico. They believed the child would automatically recieve a social security check. Since the drunk driver put me in that positon.

My father was 82 years old. Now he was going to be a grandfather for the first time. Though I was unsure if my child would ever be in my life. I divorced in my state hoping to keep the juridiction there. In the marriage I seen every sign possible that this young lady had been thru some type of abuse. It wasn't till almost a year later she admitted being sexually abused by her father.

She's 34 years old now, and still lives with him. I still know nothing of this family and what goes on. She violated the divorce decree, she refused to give my son my last name. She gave her fathers name to my son. She refused to return to court dates where I lived. For she knew the divorce decree asked for a mental evaluation. But the state would not extrodite her back. So I mortgage my already paid off home.                                                                                              

I went to El Paso seeking help. Little did I know what I was in for in a system run by arrogance and ignorance. Though I finally was able to get an order to see my son. She still refused to let me see him. I've been thru 2 attorneys.

The first happened to lose evidence. I took him to the State Bar. Attended the hearing, where he was supposed to attend. He never showed. I gave my story. Two weeks later I recieved a letter from the State Bar stating they found no wrong doin on his part. So I went the next six months not seeing my son. Though I continued to drive the 500 mile round trip. Sometimes hiring a nurse for my father.

The second attorney came on recommendation as being one of the best. Now here was a real arrogant man. He bragged how good he was. So I made the mistake of flopping down thousands of dollars. For what. This attrny. would tell me of a court date. So I would make the trip down to El Paso, just for him to walk over to the court house to tell me it was postponed. This happened on 7 occassions. He would never call me or even send any type of paper work.  
                                                                                                         So every time I called to find out if any court dates have been set. I only talked with his secretary. He was so arrogant, he even billed me for parking in the handicap space, even though I had a sticker. Oh! did I mention, he still billed me for showing up for a hearing, even though there was none. When he seen that the money I had given him was about to run out, he sent me the bill.

I was angry, but was helpless. For he billed me for every call I made to try in get info on court dates. Each was billed as legal conference calls. Calls usually only lasted a minute or two. But he'd bill me 12 to 15 dollars for each call. Around 40 calls over two years.  So for two years I spent around $63,000.00..He never got me the custody trial, and when I ran out of money, he dropped me like a hot rock. He messed up the court orders, which hampers me today. I could not get any one to help me to even inforce the standard visitation rights.                  

                                                                                                         So I was lucky to even see my son three times a year. Even though I drove to the visitation center just to have it documented. Since, I have lost my father, lost my home, and have lost faith. I will not walk away from my son. So I moved here to El Paso to try and get help from legal aid. I have been turned down two times in less then a year. I've tried to use the law libuary at the court house. But they make the books on forms very difficult to understand.

Now last summer I was able to have my son for a couple of weeks. I ended up taking my son to the emergency room. For the next day after I picked him up, I showered my son. In the process of dressing my son. I seen this 5 yr. old boys feet, red as lobsters, no  skin on either feet, cut and liasions on every toe and ankles. I called protected services.

It took them close to two months to respond. The case worker found it difficult to interview my son in there home. Ask to interview my son in my place. I agreed. My son came out of the room with her. The case worker told me. she wish she could help me. Saying my son seems more relaxed and happier in my home, but went on to say she couldn't help me, because in Texas it is difficult to take the child from the mother. I see my son a little bit more.

But I also see what they are doing to my son in that home. Sometimes I will pick him up, and they will have girls clothing on him, panyhose, girls peddle pushers. They boy has never had a decent hair cut. Always little bald spot around his head. I recently called childrens protective services on that matter. Also the uncle who lives in that house with my son, was just arrested for armed robbery. Again, to my amazment, there was not a quick response. Then when they did. I was just told, they didn't see any evidence of abuse. I have gone thru so many emotional breakdowns.

 My freinds tell me to walk away, he'll grow up and come looking for you. You know what I tell them, I don't know how, and I won't. But they point out I need to be concern for my daughter, who I have raised alone since birth. I know it may take from us. I know I live on very little now. In fact even less. Went to a hearing today.

She's makes $ 300.00 per week. I make make $580.00 per month, out of that I pay $ 100.00 child support, and have never missed a payment. But try to make it on $480.00. But I was ordered to pay her fees as well at the vistation center. I walked out angry, but today I felt predjuice, for the first time. Judge Juarez didn't seem to care that I'm raising another child, which I recieve no Child support for her  

                                                                                                             I have followed the law, I have never violated any of the court order. I have documents to prove my case. But no one is willing to help me in this city. I sometimes feel I'm in Mexico with no real working system. I've gone thru all the attorneys in the yellow pages, hoping I can find an attorney who will do a pro bono. I find them to show little compassion or interest. I have exhausted every avenue. I've called and have talked to so many, only to increase my growing depression.

This is just a short version of the story. Because while my dad was alive, I have the photos to prove it. At the hands of this family, my father recived very bad injuries because of this family. He was 83 years old. He did not deserve to be beaten up. Then I got the run around by the local sheriff dept, and the county attroneys office.

I could tell you things I've gone thru you wouldn't believe. I'm fighting the tears back now. I'm 54 years old, and I shouldn't have to be crying, I shouldn't, but I can't help it. I'm trying to save a little boy, and no one seems to care. Is it because I don't speak spanish, and they want to keep there own here, or are they just that ignorant here? I don't know which. But I know if I don't get my son out of that home. His mental well being will be irreversable.                          
                                                                                                         I'm tired and mentally exhausted. I have no family to turn to for help. My father was the last. I'm only hoping someone will read this, and hopefully with Gods help, someone will come forth. I have all the documents from the very begining. I don't know if I can even put my e-mail here. I go by KnightsThunder1 which I happen to be on aol. I don't have the funds to put a dot com site.

I have tried everything, yes even the lawyer referral here. I've even left messages with the aclu, with never a response. I feel helpless and hopless. As a father I should not have those feelings. But I'm dealing with a sick and conieving family.

They'll lie and decieve anyone who tries to help me. For the childrens protective services never does anything. I have never begged in my life. But now I'm on my knees begging for someone to help me save a child in a broken system here in El Paso, Texas...I've heard a few, no! more then a few  horror stoies here, with the courts and other agencies. I've seen the protective service in the news a few times, on the lack of there office to investigate properly or ignoring complaints.

Myself, I have called three differant news channels. Most started talking to me in spanish when they answered they're phones. Once I tell them I don't speak spanish, they tell me after hearing what I've been thru, tell me they have no interest in my story. I've called the El Paso times on several occassion, only to be told someone will contact me, but never do.                                    

So where do I go from here??? Is there someone who really cares about saving this child from future life of mental problems, or become a burden to the system? I have little now to do anything with. I only have a great love for my first and only son. Thats seems to keep me going, but hope seems to be fading fast. For I'm so confused right now. I want to throw in the towel and give all my energy to my daughter, but I can't even do that.

Help me please! anyone! I have lost trust with most, I'm sorry! I know there are a few caring lawyers around, just not here where I'm at. Will someone please say a prayer for my son. Thank You for taking the time to read this. Thomas B.


Please break your post into paragraphs, or no one will read it. It's very difficult to read a huge chunk of text like this without any breaks or whitespace.

Indigo Mom

But, you can't.  Giving up would force your child into a new kind of Hell...."my daddy doesn't want me either".   Imagine being a little man, living the life your son is forced to live..and then thinking the only one who "did" love you has walked away.  You can't do that...you know you can't.  You don't even have it IN you to walk from this child.  

I realize times are hard.  With your father, with your daughter, and now this.  No one is here to protect the child...that's one thing you need to understand.  No one cares.  Cept you.  Right now, you're ALL he's got...he has horrific abuse at his mothers house, he has love at yours.  Don't leave him.

Have you considered contacting the media?  When you described his little feet, I almost lost my breakfast.  I despise anyone who would harm a child.  They're just innocent little things...they've done nothing wrong.  I'm sorry he has to live this bullshit life...and I'm sorry you're forced to sit back and watch it all happen...helpless.

Child "protective" services are a JOKE!  I've called numerous times, only to be poo-poo'd away because the "incident didn't just happen".  My son sufferend extreme abuse, and if ya ask me...the system allowed it.  The system, however, won't fix it......and that bites.

Contact the local news media.  This might be your sons only chance...expose those FREAKS for what they are..and never...and I mean NEVER...read another magazine like that as long as you live!!!

Good luck to you, your son, your father and daughter...ya all deserve it.

Please stick around and let us know how you're doing.


I just want to thank you Indigo mom # 2341. For your encouragement. I have called all the news channels here in El Paso. All have told me they would not be interested in doing a story on my situation. I have also contacted the local paper, " The El Paso times" on several occassions. No one ever returns my calls.  I know my emotions at this time are frail. You're right though. I don't know how to walk away. Even though I do suffer from Post Tramatic Stress sydrom. I will have these break downs. Yet! I do continue to hang in there. So Thank you Indigo Mom.


Thank You Brent # 2339...........for your suggestion. I'm usually better then that. I just happened to write this during a breakdown. I have tried to edit. I corrected some spelling as well. On the edit I did separate, and created separate paragraphs. It just won't respond. So, at this time I will leave it alone till I feel better emotionally. But Thank any how Brent. I appreciate your input.


I went in and edited it into smaller paragraphs so people could read it a bit more easily.


I just want to Thank You Brent. I really do appreciate your help. For changing the format.


I want to tell you how sorry I am for you and your family having to be in this situation. Just so you know it is not just el paso like that it is every where.

Have you tried going to the media outside of elpaso????


You have run smack into the same wall so many do. The wall of uncaring officialdom.

I am going to give you words that have held me in my course. I first heard these words sooo many years ago and they still to this day echo in my dreams.

Hold. The. Line.

I can still hear those words in my head,, every time I face another situation many might consider desperate, I hear those words. When I see posters such as yourself, those words ring out again.

Hold the line,, do not retreat, do not give up. To hold that line bears such a horrible cost,, as so many here can attest. To NOT continue the fight,, bears a cost even more terrible.

In courtrooms across this county, NCP are experiencing just what you are, to lesser or greater degrees.  Each fight,, a fight to hold the line. While there really are not resources of a monetary nature available to any of us, we all off the support of the experience our fights have gained us, the integrity and moral strength we all offer to one another to ensure we continue the good fight.


Have you tried Rep. Ron Paul?  Have you tried the TX attorney general?  Have you tried the church that set you up with this woman?