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If a parent moves away, do they do more driving??

Started by Superdottie, Jun 15, 2009, 07:37:47 PM

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The divorce does not address parents moving within the state.  I like the distance idea.  She could move hundreds of miles away and still be in compliance because she's still in the state.  Luckily she's not doing that and I don't think she would.  She needs people she knows around her to help her out of jams. 

Becuase of the distance of the move DH and ex have to rework the entire parenting plan.  It's too far for the girls to do a midweek overnight.  The commute is through rush hour traffic in a major city.  So with that comes the 'who's going to drive when' conversation (or more like fight).  We plan to stick to the order unless a FAIR agreement is made.  I'm sure it's hard for BM to do more driving, but no one asked her to move!  She's not doing it for a job, she's not doing it for the good of her kids, she's doing it to be closer to her friends.  No bother that you're uprooting two girls (AGAIN) that struggle in school and one has a very hard time making friends. 


I specifically had moving out of our county of residence addressed, as my ex was talking about moving to KY.  The mediator agreed that the non-custodial parent would pick up at the daycare on Fridays and drop him off at child care on Monday.  (It was during the early time of our separation and divorce, and my ex was making exchanges difficult in front of our son).  I wanted out of the equation, as I really had nothing to do with the exchange or the parenting time, it was his time.

It worked.  I would recommend it for anyone with a difficult exchange time.  And it continued long after the dust settled and we were able to co-parent our son successfully.

Follow your current order, as the others have suggested.



If you have an order follow it, you have already paid for it.  Let the ex petition of a change.

Good luck and try not to let this consume you all!