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Started by dpndonnone, Oct 14, 2005, 11:50:49 PM

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Hi, I hope somone here can answer a few questions for me. My sister-n-law is 16 soon to be 17 in January. When she was 12, she became pregnant. She had the baby at 13 and a few months later she found her 37 yo mother dead in the bed holding her daughter. As you can imagine this was horrible for everyone involved, however she took it he hardest. She came up to Maryland to live with her grandparents, stole a car and drove back to Newport News as a runaway. She was caught and came back up to Maryland to live with her aunt ( she has custody of the baby). She was supposed to go get milk and caught the bus back to Newport News again as a runaway. This time she got locked up. When she got out. She went to Hampton to live with her Father, she didn't like living with him so she ranaway. She was caught and sent up state for 6 months to a year. In the meantime her grandfather passed. She was released early and released to her grandmother. She stayed for a few weeks. she had her daughters' father (who is 36yo) send her $400 and she caught a cab to the bus station and went back to newport news. she tried to steal a car to get back to Maryland to see her P.O. and was locked up again. This time her fathers sister ( whom she had never met) agreed to take her to Texas to live with her and her family. Not too long after hurricane rita, she ranaway. She says the woman put her out because she came home late. The woman reported her as a runaway. She is still in Texas at the moment trying to make her way back here. I called the police in Texas. they dont look for runaways until they getin trouble. I have mentioned trying to get her emancipated so no one has to worry about her running away. She thinks she can handle being on her own and taking care of herself then let her. I have read the rules on emancipation and am still not clear if this would qualify as not in control and abandoning the home.
I hope someone can help or direct me in the right direction.
Thanks for reading.


to be emancipated, someone has to have primary custody.

And that's the person who would initiate proceedings.

And then the age depends on the state that has jurisdiction.