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Ex insisting on a custody trial again

Started by CuriousMom, Aug 17, 2009, 07:12:06 AM

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Any tips or advice on custody trials?  The judge was mad we were even back (so was I) and scheduled a trial for the end of October.  I already have tons of documentation and have referenced articles from this site in preparation.

I'm hoping we can come to an agreement before that but it's always his way or no way, so I doubt we will.  His attorney tried to negotiate in the elevator after pre-trial but we told her to submit it in writing and my attorney and I will discuss it.

Another topic I could use some advice about if anyone has some - he's still collecting UE wages but stated today he is planning on starting his own consulting business and working from home.  I was always under the assumption that this normally required a decent amount of travel but I guess that would depend on the trade.  I haven't heard yet what type of consulting it is. 

He wants to provide "daycare" but I've worked from home (I'm in IT and we have that leisure at times) and I know trying to keep with up with an infant and work is extremely difficult especially during normal business hours.  Most consultants I know still have their child in daycare so they can do business during normal hours.


I don't know about the trial but I can tell you what our lawyer told us about daycare during our first trial. He said if we had daycare fees in our CS order than we could ask for my husband to watch SS instead of daycare but since we didn't it wouldn't be likely we would get it. Daycare is considered good for the child given that it improves social skills.


Thanks for the insight.  The judge didn't buy his last ploy of his new business venture of working from home so he'll provide "daycare."  He's still collecting unemployment and appears to not be working at all.  He forgets I have the option of working from home, too and know how difficult doing both is.  I did it for awhile after my official maternity leave was over so I could spend some more time with my newborn.