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visitation with no child support?

Started by lwyphan, Sep 21, 2009, 10:29:44 AM

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My ex husband hasn't paid me any child support in months.  I live in Kentucky and he lives in Ohio.  There is a warrant for him in Kentucky for non-support.  He has visitation every other weekend.  Can I deny him visitation due to this outstanding warrant or because he has not paid his support?  Please email me your responses to [email protected]


NO...NO...NO!!!  Visitation and Child Support are SEPERATE!!!!

You withhold visistation and he can get YOU on contempt of court for VIOLATING the visitation agreement.

Now on the other hand, YOU CAN get him on contempt of court for failure to pay support....some questions:

1.  Is the order through Child Support Enforcement?

2.  If not...WHY?

3.  Do you know the circumstances behind the failure to pay?  There was a time where my DD's father couldn't pay because he had lost his job.   Is there a pending downward modification for this kind of circumstance?  Was his wages garnished?  Has he had a cut in pay?  Is the support amount TOO much? 

4.  How far in arrears is he?  My DD's father is almost $12K in arrears and I know of other's who's arrears are much larger sums (in the $50-100K range...ouch).
Now I'm living....Just another day in Paradise!!


Visitation and child support are two separate issues.  If you withhold visitation, you can be held in contempt of court.   Don't go there. 

You want clean hands for your contempt motion agianst your ex for his failure to comply with a court order. 

File a contempt motion asking that he pays all arrears and that the child support is automatically garnished from his wages. 

The circumstances behind why he isn't paying is irrelevant.  What is relevant is that he isn't paying what is court ordered. 


Quote from: Giggles on Sep 21, 2009, 11:14:52 AM
3.  Do you know the circumstances behind the failure to pay?  There was a time where my DD's father couldn't pay because he had lost his job.   Is there a pending downward modification for this kind of circumstance?  Was his wages garnished?  Has he had a cut in pay?  Is the support amount TOO much? 

I would venture to guess that the NCP thinks the support amount is too much. 

BTW, circumstances are irrelevant.  If there was a change of circumstances on the NCP's part, the onus is on the NCP to file for a downward mod.  And the NCP is still obligated to pay the court ordered amount, even if there is a pending mod. 


1.  it IS set up through child support enforcement. 
2.  He will not get/keep a job. 
3.  He will not file to have the amount decreased.......because it makes him feel like less of a man, i guess.  Last time we went to court, they raised his support.  When the judge asked him if he was comfortable with the increase and if he thought he could afford it, he replied "Oh, I could afford way more than that!"  (He's a complete moron people).
4.  Child Support Enforcement can not advance my case until he is arrested.  He has an outstanding warrant, and that's as far as they can take it until he is arrested.

He picks our daughter up every other weekend.  I COULD call the sheriff's department and have him arrested when he picks her up, or drops her off.  I was trying to avoid that because I did not want our daughter to have to see him get arrested...... 


Call the sheriff and see if they will come to the next pick-up. Have your child stay with someone else so they don't see it.
Do you know where he lives or hangs out that you can tell them so it is not done at your house?


I agree -- don't deny time.

BUT -- if you're truly frustrated, I'd call the sheriff.

But I also believe you'll have problems if he needs to be transported OVER a state line to the county with jurisdiction.


Quote from: ocean on Sep 21, 2009, 04:53:37 PM
Call the sheriff and see if they will come to the next pick-up. Have your child stay with someone else so they don't see it.

I would actually wait until "drop-off" that way they can nab him on his way out of town and the child is none the wiser and there are less questions as to why Daddy isn't there that weekend???

I also disagree with Mom42 the circumstances are quite relevant.  I'm of the opinion that I would rather try and figure out a way of dealing with the issues (non-payment) and try to get SOME $$ versus throwing the guy in jail thereby guaranteeing NO MONEY!!
Now I'm living....Just another day in Paradise!!


Quote from: Giggles on Sep 22, 2009, 06:17:35 AM
Quote from: ocean on Sep 21, 2009, 04:53:37 PM
Call the sheriff and see if they will come to the next pick-up. Have your child stay with someone else so they don't see it.

I would actually wait until "drop-off" that way they can nab him on his way out of town and the child is none the wiser and there are less questions as to why Daddy isn't there that weekend???

I also disagree with Mom42 the circumstances are quite relevant.  I'm of the opinion that I would rather try and figure out a way of dealing with the issues (non-payment) and try to get SOME $$ versus throwing the guy in jail thereby guaranteeing NO MONEY!!

As opposed to him being out of jail and not paying?
Sorry that argument doesn't hold water.  For the simple reason that if he was paying his child support, he wouldn't have ended up in jail. 

It isn't up to the original poster to figure out his issues.  If he has a problem with the amount or lost a job, the onus is on HIM to file for a modification.  Not her. 

Which, according the original poster, this guy is choosing not to do. 

BTW, there are ncp's who only pay some of their child support but not all of the court ordered child support.  This guy isn't paying anything.  At all.  His circumstances are irrelevant, his actions are.  And one of them is not filing for a modification.


Quote from: Momfortwo on Sep 22, 2009, 03:12:16 PM
Quote from: Giggles on Sep 22, 2009, 06:17:35 AM
Quote from: ocean on Sep 21, 2009, 04:53:37 PM
Call the sheriff and see if they will come to the next pick-up. Have your child stay with someone else so they don't see it.

I would actually wait until "drop-off" that way they can nab him on his way out of town and the child is none the wiser and there are less questions as to why Daddy isn't there that weekend???

I also disagree with Mom42 the circumstances are quite relevant.  I'm of the opinion that I would rather try and figure out a way of dealing with the issues (non-payment) and try to get SOME $$ versus throwing the guy in jail thereby guaranteeing NO MONEY!!

As opposed to him being out of jail and not paying?
Sorry that argument doesn't hold water.  For the simple reason that if he was paying his child support, he wouldn't have ended up in jail. 

It isn't up to the original poster to figure out his issues.  If he has a problem with the amount or lost a job, the onus is on HIM to file for a modification.  Not her. 

Which, according the original poster, this guy is choosing not to do. 

BTW, there are ncp's who only pay some of their child support but not all of the court ordered child support.  This guy isn't paying anything.  At all.  His circumstances are irrelevant, his actions are.  And one of them is not filing for a modification.

You are quite correct that the onus is on HIM...and I know quite well there are NCP's who only pay part of their Court Ordered CS...I have one of those!!  I could have had my DD's father thrown in jail for not paying...he was up to nearly $20K in arrears, they suspended his DL and had a warrent out for his arrest as well.  I told him flat out, if you don't start paying SOMETHING they WILL throw you in jail.  He realized that was true and now I do get a bit here and a bit there, sometimes the whole amount but most times about 1/2 of what he should be paying.  My consolation is that CS arrears never go away...so eventually it will get paid.  I've gotten a few surprises where the state seized some of his assets...I once received a check for $7600!!
Now I'm living....Just another day in Paradise!!