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I need help

Started by sirimans, Sep 29, 2009, 08:15:54 AM

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I was fired the sameday after I had a child support order against me, the procecuter ask for my income for an estimate still he wnt ahead to stick with my original income even though I was collecting unemployment so they were taking half debiting my unemployment check like the original income I filed a motion to reflect my earning (unemployment ) I want to get credited based on miscalculation
how can I go by that?
thank you in advance


It is very hard to get child support back. Once it is paid it is paid. Think about this: there are men who paid child support and later find out that they aren't the child's father, and they don't get their money back. My advice is: fix it as soon as possible, because you more likely will not get it back. This is called a modification due to a significant change in circumstances. You losing your job and your income being dramatically lower is a change in circumstance.