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Started by kingjj, Apr 04, 2011, 07:37:32 AM

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I just found this forum. I was divorce in 2006 just after returning from the war and retiring after 23 years. My wife,at the time, and I hired lawyers and can to agreement, after a lot of meetings and went to our court date and the Judge thru it out in the first 10 mins of the hearing and set a date for another hearing 6 months down the road. Afterward both attornies went to the Judges chambers to ask why. They were told that my wife and I have to prove we can have shared custody of our 2 girls. Knowing that the State of Nebraska is a "primary care giver state" and with me being gone the overseas the last 2 years I wasn't going to get shared custody. Out went my rights as a parent. I will not tell you about what happened at the hearing later of the appeal that I filed, lets just say I'm lucky to have my shirt left and I have the usual visition with my girls. The icing on the cake is I get to share my military retirement with my former spouse until I die. Oh Happy day!!!!! To bring everything up to date I now have custody of the oldest who is in college and still have to pay my Ex-wife, who has 2 college degrees me none, $344 and month. Then when the oldest turns 19 I get to pay $840 child for the youngest. No I'm not bitter just poor because of the dissions of my ex, who wanted the divorce. But who really pays, my girls. 


Not sure what your question is?

Shared custody is when parents can get along usually since there is a lot of back and forth and you really need to share school/activity stuff with each other. If you agreed the judge would of gave it to you...if not, goes to standard. (usually).

Child support- Goes by the numbers... If your lawyer is good, they can input an amount that your ex CAN make but refuses with her degrees. You would have to prove salaries in her area for the degrees she has.

Not sure why you are saying your child support is going to go way up after OD ages out....maybe we can help you with that..more info?


How can you help? I have been to serval lawyers in the area and I get the same answer "it is how the numbers come out". Yes we went into court the first time with agree shared custody and the Judge threw it out along with the whole aggrement