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Parenting study ordered

Started by Momofthree, May 21, 2013, 12:13:20 PM

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He (his lawyer) is asking for a parenting study tomorrow in front of the judge. They already have a guy chosen to do it. Do I have a say in who does the study?  I am lawyer less 

We have joint both kinds of custody. We could not agree on a school for her so I filed (all I asked for was the court to decide what school) he came back and served me wanting full custody and for me to have 6 days a month! And 100 other ridiculous demands.

All I want is her to go to school with her sister. He wants a privet school in a town neither of us live in.


There's your argument.  He wants her to go to a school in a town in which neither of you live.  Perhaps the judge will see through the request for custody.
The wonderful thing about tiggers is I'm the only one!


Try not to get frazzled with the lawyer, have a little speech ready if you can get to talk and say exactly what you told us:
"I do not see the need for a parenting study as we have been co-parenting since xx. The only issue we can not agree on is which school daughter should attend so I filed in court. I would like her to be able to go to xx school where her sister is currently in grade x. She could ride the bus and have friends from the neighborhood on my parenting days and her father can keep the same schedule that has already been working and court ordered. He would like her in a private school in a town that is not where either of us are. This has been the only issue until I filed and then his lawyer filed for full custody/parenting study. I request the courts make a decision as soon as possible on the school issue so daughter can be signed up and attend the screenings and school orientation".

If judge is looking like he will order the parenting study say something like:
"I would like the courts to assign a neutral person to be fair to all parties and not xx who the father/lawyer have ties to already".

Good luck!


print and take this to court with you.