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My exwife. left my kids behind

Started by ashley99, Sep 17, 2013, 05:59:53 AM

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First let me start of by thanking in advanced to anyone who may answer my question. And well now my question is how can I get custody of my children back my exwife has full custody right now, but she just recently left out of town and left my children with her mom. But she not once even told me she was going to leave I had no say in anything. I went to pick up my kids this weekend and I found out she had leftand she wont be back for months. So when I was supported to be dropping them back off I told them to pick out some clothes because they were coming to live with me, after they told me that my youngest son who is only supposed to be in school until 11 was getting picked up at 3, and that my two daughters and son are sharing a room with their teenage uncle. And my daughters and son are sleeping on the floor. Well as I was leaving with them their grandma called me and said I couldn't take them because my kids mom left a notarized letter that says she is leaving her (the grandma) in charge of my kids. Is that even possible im their father.  Shouldn't I have a say in it, also my wife is still receiving child support from me and she is keeping the money she wont even spend it on my kids and now they are demanding I give money to my childrens grandma. I just want my kids back what can I do to get them back and get custody of them for good.
P.s I live in texas


Hopefully someone here (with experience) can give you solid advice.  In the meantime, I would suggest you make a list of all of your questions and have free consultations with several lawyers.
The wonderful thing about tiggers is I'm the only one!


Read these pages ASAP:

Steps To Protect Yourself During Divorce (http://deltabravo.net/cms/plugins/content/content.php?content.4)

Tips for getting started (http://deltabravo.net/cms/plugins/content/content.php?content.28)

Critical Success Factors for Fathers Seeking Physical Custody of Their Children (http://deltabravo.net/cms/plugins/content/content.php?content.24)

"The List", by Tom (http://deltabravo.net/cms/plugins/content/content.php?content.13)

The trouble with reality is that there's no background music.