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Activities past 18

Started by ocean, Jan 15, 2016, 03:23:06 PM

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We are in state where child support is until 21. Sd is almost 19 , out of HS, and PB just sent a bill for a gym membership and wants us to pay half. What do you think?  I googled and only found that in our state visitation/custody ends at 18 and child support and health ends at 21. Court papers just state half of activities, no end date.


to me "activities" are school related or community related (I say community -- because around here soccer for example is a city league, not necessarily something the local school does) -- not private gym memberships.

BUT if daughter has a true need for it -- I'd lean the other way.

Since it's "open a bit" to interpretation -- how has everything else gone up until now?  Do you two have a good relationship with daughter?  Or does the daughter ignore you two?  I'd let that influence my decision too.


I like your wording about private gym! LOL I will use that if needed.
No skids have nothing to do with us still.....their choice.
DH stopping at lawyer tomorrow afternoon to ask her if there is case law about paying activities over 18 here.