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Started by dipper, Jul 27, 2016, 09:54:16 AM

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What we suspected has already began.   Sunday evening son's gf asked us to watch child so she could help him clean.   A couple of hours later she called and she was moving in.  Supposedly, her mother had called her and was mad because child was with us and kicked her out.  Essentially, that kicks child out too.  Son moved her in - it was either a scam by her and her mother or son and the gf.   She is all loving with her mother....so I find it very hard to believe she was kicked out.

The gf asked for us to keep child until they could get air conditioning and clean.   We have had her since Sunday night.  We brought the gf over Monday to visit and went over there yesterday.  My father had two ac's he gave them.   

Today, she has already asked about her mother having part of our time in two weeks.   It's only been three days since she moved in and she already wants us to ignore the order for the person who kicked her and child out.   I only responded that they have child on August 12th and we have her the other two days requested.  She replied that her mother has that weekend off and wants her.   I am so disgusted.


You know this won't last too long either. Stick to the court order and tell them you will be following it to the "T". You can take child extra-document that time (confirm with texts to them and screen shot it with date/time). Until they bring you back to court, you will have child on your time.


Thanks Ocean and you are correct.   I think it is obvious what her real intent is when she is trying to change things so quickly.