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It's been a while

Started by Mamacass, Nov 21, 2007, 12:42:23 PM

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I haven't been on for a while.  We got custody of SS 9/06, and BM has been up and down since.  She moved back to the area then moved away again.  
She filed an appeal, and we've worked on settling outside of court.  That has been slow going though, mostly b/c she is very slow to respond.  She sent the initial proposal and asked for all kinds of crazy stuff.  We respnded to her offer, and then didn't hear anything for months.  She sent another offer, and we responded, then didn't hear anything.  We sent over another offer, and she finally responded b/c the courts told her attorney she needed to either work out a settlement outside of court, set a court date or withdraw her appeal.  
Anyhow, she responded with some weird stuff, and we responded back.  Haven't heard anything.  Honestly I can't wait to just have the paperwork done with.  

Having custody is nice.  BM was a little crazy in the beginning, but has backed off now.  Mostly b/c she lives over 4 hours away and had a new baby so it's just not really worth the effort on her part to be involved w/ SS.  

SS adjusted really well, and I think the stability has been really good for him.  Its hard when he goes to visit his mom, bc she really is unhealthy.  I just hope that we are able to "fix" all the bad effects she has on him.

Anyhow, just thought I'd stop by and give an update on how we've been.  Hope everyone here is well, and I'm wishing you all the best for the holidays


>I haven't been on for a while.  We got custody of SS 9/06,
>and BM has been up and down since.  She moved back to the area
>then moved away again.  
>She filed an appeal, and we've worked on settling outside of
>court.  That has been slow going though, mostly b/c she is
>very slow to respond.  She sent the initial proposal and asked
>for all kinds of crazy stuff.  We respnded to her offer, and
>then didn't hear anything for months.  She sent another offer,
>and we responded, then didn't hear anything.  We sent over
>another offer, and she finally responded b/c the courts told
>her attorney she needed to either work out a settlement
>outside of court, set a court date or withdraw her appeal.  
>Anyhow, she responded with some weird stuff, and we responded
>back.  Haven't heard anything.  Honestly I can't wait to just
>have the paperwork done with.  

Remember that you're in a strong position. Having court-ordered custody for over a year and her moving a couple of times in the interim will make it very hard for her to take custody back if it DOES get to court.

Her delays are working to your advantage. Keep track of all of her weird proposals. Then if you do have to go back to court, ask for mediation and give the mediator copies of everything.

This is not legal advice, but I think it's unlikely that you're going to be forced to give up anything. Therefore, your negotiations can focus on what you think might be best for the child plus giving BM enough little stuff to make her happy.

Good luck.