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Restraining orders and custody

Started by Jonrooke20000, Oct 18, 2018, 07:18:46 PM

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So this  is how I started my wife and I were getting along for a while.    Oh the last 10 years she's been emotionally mentally and physically abusive toward me she has told me to die she just has told me to kill myself and to just disappear and never be seen again.

On top of that she has punched me  choked me not me to the ground and kicked me so hard while I was holding my son that I had to go to the ER because she chipped a bone in my hip. Given I have not been the best husband I've lied because of fear of reparations so three weeks ago night before my son's birthday I had bought decorations and I was going to put up at like two in the morning before I had to go to work at four so that everybody would be surprised.

She got angry because she felt I was including her.  Got an argument about it and so she went in to clean the living room while I was setting up decorations with our eight month old daughter.  She came out looking for a fight and I brought up how she had left marks on my neck when she choked me and I need pictures of it.

As soon as I get that she ran around the island in our kitchen and try to grab the baby out of my hands so I put the baby away because I didn't feel like she was safe    I had recorded the last five minutes of her screaming at me telling me that I should die I should just kill myself that my kids would be better off without me but after she tried grab my daughter and my hands I told her I was calling the cops 

When the police arrived they had nothing to do with me we didn't want to talk to me I didn't take my statement he only took hers so today's leadership restraining order on me and had me removed from the house and took full custody of the children.  When the police arrived they had nothing to do with me we didn't want to talk to me I didn't take my statement he only took hers so today's leadership restraining order on me had me removed from the house and took full custody of the children   

So we went for our first hearing the judge flat out said I put this straining order on him I will not take it off of him I was giving eight hours a week with my kids    My six-year-old is having a very hard time with not seeing his daddy fights me every time he has to go home with his mom   

I just feel left out in the cold don't know what to do about the whole situation.   I've never laid a finger on my wife or my kids I've been there for months every doctors appointment every school event I feel like the system is letting Me down.