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what do I do?

Started by wallyworld85, Feb 01, 2004, 11:18:22 AM

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For contempt that is.  I am not sure what I need to bring.  

For ie:  Do I bring ONLY things that pertain to the contempt motion OR can I bring in items that show she is not letting me be a part of my child's life

I have:

letter from principal stating that I am not listed as father on emergency contact info (BUT her boyfriend is listed under FATHER or male who resides in house).

 Letter from last year's teacher stating (after my asking how she was doing in school) that she wanted to hold her back (my ex told me NOTHING of this).

  Letters from teacher directed to her (but they ALWAYS send me a copy of anything that goes to her) stating my daughter has had over 25 TARDIES all of which were unexcused.  

Report card that says my daughter acts immature AND that maninly the reason for her falling behind is cuz of the tardies and absences.

2 letters (one my ex wrote in 97 another her mother wrote in 97) both of which were filed in a court (for her domestic abuse conviction against me) stating that I am a wonderful person and both think so highly of me AND both stating (my ex and her mother) that my ex needed counseling.  There has been another felony conviction for domestic abuse against my ex in 2001 and a restraining order was filed against her also.

the contempt is for visitation denial, no current telephone number, and it states that my ex did NOT notify me of a Nov emergency room visit.

What do you think?