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where does it say that I need approval?

Started by spinner, Nov 08, 2004, 05:57:37 AM

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I posted on another state board but I want to re-post here.

Basicaly I re-re-re-re-re-re-read my divorce decret last night and court order and I can't find anywhere that says that I need the other parent approval to go out of my state (and even out of the USA).

I realise that it is better to have approval and I have it BUT I am trying to find where or what document says I HAVE to have her approval to go out of state.


We just inform my SD's BM that we're going out of state.  WE don't have anything with her approval for us to travel, we don't need it.  We just tell her out of courtesy.  We've never had a problem with the airlines asking for proof.


it's not the airline I am afraid of, it's that she makes up a lie and call 911 to say I kidnapped my kid when this is not correct.

Sure they'll sort it out (after the knock on you !)


Some orders have them in there...always carry your order everywhere you are. I have a copy in my car! (take it on all vacations...) then you just pull out the order and show them. What did they do???


hehehee I have one in my car as well :)
I will do


if the court order doesn't mention that you're limited to where you can take the child and that you don't need the mom's written permission, she can say all she wants.  just show the cops that within your court order.

I'll assume you have the child during your court ordered time, that further substantiates your right to have her.  some court orders says that the parent with the child has the right to make decisions when the child's in their care.  this further substantiates your right.

just make sure your court order doesn't mention anything about needing her permission.  I wouldn't worry about it.  If mom should make some false claim against you, you can always go after her in family court as well as criminal for making a false police report.


I'm pretty sure the only stipulation that is NOT in a court order, is if you try to remove the child out of the country.

If you do not have sole custody and you are the CP or NCP you must have the other's signature to apply for a passport for the child.

Otherise if it's not in the order, go where you want to when it's your time.


this is actualy to go out of the country.

we already have the apssport, the american one is in order, she signed on it and the european one I didn't need her signature to order it.

I have share lecal but not shared physical custody

does that makes a difference ?


The customs agents and airlines will not allow you to take a child out of the country, enven with a passport, if you do not have a signed letter from the other parent allowing you to do so.

Than being said, if you are travelling with your family, there is no way the customs agent would know that the other person is not the child's biological parent, unless there is another factor that will point that fact out.  

I would get the letter, just to be sure.  This is true, even though the other parent signed the passport app.


We have a similar problem with my DH'S ex, she doesn't even want us to take the kid out of city limits!!! BUT......... Really how much effort does it take to tell her by phone or mail that you are taking a trip??????? I think you should treat people the way you want to be treated, no matter how evil or vindictive they are.