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Desperate Father Needing advice

Started by kayandy912, Jun 27, 2005, 11:35:57 AM

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Does anyone here know anything about Family Law?
I was reading the family law resource book and it appears to me that you can't take a person's visitation away unless they have been CONVICTED of child abuse. My fiance was accused of child abuse by his ex wives and CPS but a Grand Jury No billed him which means they didn't believe it happened. But, his ex-wife is still trying to have his visitation set as supervised. Can this be done even if he wasn't convicted of child abuse? Please someone, anyone reply.



My DH's PB tried to keep the children from him for years and finally resorted to this tactic.  This method of keeping children from the other parent is very common as outlined in the book "Divorce Poison" (great reading for any family dealing with PAS).

DH was accused of child abuse in 1998 for apparently causing bruising to  his son's eyes.  My ex lifted his son, at the time age 9 and did nothing more than place his butt on the couch and counselled him verbally (even witnessed by SDD but they refused to put her on the stand as she WOULD have told the truth).  Not only were 4 of us in the room but we took the children to dinner that evening where we ran into mutual friends and of course had the testimony of the wait staff.  My poor SS testifed and couldn't keep the training he received from PB and all from the truth.  He answered honestly as he was cross-examined and couldn't keep PB's story straight.  It was comical but so very sad!

We went through full court and spent over 15K in legal fees.  Within 5 minutes of the instructions/release of the jury they returned a verdict of NOT GUILTY to DH!  Afterwards many of them came to us in the parking lot of the courthouse and apologized that DH was ever subjected to such BS!

PB was going to testify for the prosecution until they found out that the crap that she's pulled as a PB and not to mention was under charges for perjury in PA!!  Needless to say they hid her and never placed her on the stand.  Secondly the doctor from the hospital refused to show stating "bogus filing" and was dismissed by the prosecution as well.

My husband was withheld from his children for 15 months during this time and at the time PB was sending letters to everyone she could to try and get DH fined and to keep him from ever seeing the children.  Although we could have forced our right during the 15 months we elected to not traumatize the children.  The minute court was over our attorney filed for contempt for withholding visitation but demanded immediate return to normal.  All of the sudden excuses #2006, 2007, etc. began!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Without a conviction there is diddly that can happen in MOST states.  We took the power back that day but of course the ones to suffer, again, were the children!

Wishing you luck,




My DH called C.P.S. on PBFH for 20 bruises on DSS body and she lied through her teeth, so the charges were dropped. Then decided that she didn't want to let us have our visitation anymore so after a year of jerking around we took her to court. PBFH told the judge she didn't want us to have DSS because she thought we would take him to Mexico and claimed that we were the ones that physically abused him. The judge told her that what we did was justified and that NO judge in all of the land would keep DSS away from his father.

So no your visitation won't be taken away. But I do reccomend getting it back A.S.A.P. because when we finally got our month this summer it was a whole different kid. That crazy woman and her parents pumped that little guys head so full of B.S. or P.A.S. or whatever... That he was like a little robot the entire visit.

And the sad part is it's going to take us a long time to fix what they've done in one short year.



Thank you everyone for your replies.
About a week ago, my fiance and I sent every lawyer in our county and surrounding county e-mails with the story of what is going on and pleaded for one of them to have sympathy and do pro bono or at least low cost work on the case. Three days went by and the only replies we got were for $15000.00 or more. I told my fiance that he was going to have to let go and let GOD handle this one for him. God will take care of it if you have faith. So, that night he went to the church and spoke with the preacher and told him everything that is going on. The preacher prayed long and hard with him and told him that GOD would take care of it if he would allow him to. I haven't seen my fiance look so happy as he did when he got home after that. The very next day, a lawyer replied to one of his e-mails and offered to help him with only a $250.00 retainer and $75.00 an hour (1/2 of his regular price of $150.00 per hour).
Thank you again for all of your replies we are letting go and letting GOD!