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Protecting child's medical insurance carrier information from CP?

Started by 416021va, May 30, 2006, 07:55:17 AM

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I reside in Virginia and the child resides in Florida.

Nothing in the Final Dissolution states that I must carry medical insurance for my child.

I understand that the CP can obtain the child's medical history, just as I have fought hand and foot to obtain the child's medical history as the NCP.

This is not what I am talking about here.

I have recently obtained employment based medical insurance for my child, but it is only available for use in the DC metro area.

The CP allegedly has employment based medical insurance for my child but it is only available for use in South Florida.

(In the event of an emergency, it is my understanding that either insurance would provide coverage).

My concern is that the CP will ask me if I have medical insurance for the child.

If CP finds out, I am concerned that the tables could get turned on me and I would be forced to pay for the child's medical insurance premium in Florida, which halt my ability to pay my present insurance based premium for the child while he is in Virginia.

I am also concerned that I would be forced to perpetually carry insurance for the child in the State of Florida if I lost my job, or even get stuck paying for it in the form of arrears.

I do realize that I need to disseminate the child's medical information if asked while on this soil, but must I really disclose the fact that he has insurance in this state? If so, must I provide the child's insurance card, or is all of this information implicit if CP was to ask for his medical chart?

I am just protecting my families overall finances as any normal person would want to do, which thereby effects my ability to ultimately see my child and keep him healthy during visitation time.


What happens now when he goes to a dr near you? You pay in full? If her insurance pays for FLA when he is with her and yours pays for when he is around you, I do not see the problem. Could you one day be asked to pay for medical insurance...yes but right now why would she even ask? I would get it for him through your job if it does not cost a lot. Her insurance does not pay at all by you or is it out-of -network?


No, I already pay at a discounted rate when he sees a doctor near me since I hold employer based medical insurance.

The CP perpetually asks if I have insurance so that CP can drop him off of their insurance.

I didn't get your last question, but I think I have an answer. She pays his insurance premiums while he resides with her, and I pay his entire insurance premium while he resides in the State of Virginia.

My main question is, do I have to tell the CP that I have insurance for the child if asked?

The CP will not stop asking.

Thanks again.


I re-read your last sentence, no CP's insurance allegedly does not pay at all in my area because it is out of network.

I got the employer based insurance, but anyone can lose their job, even the CP.

I don't want to create a situation where the CP will be able put additional financial burdens on me where and when I can avoid it.


insurance premiums are included in the CS calculation. CS is reduced by a % of the amount of insurance you are paying monthly. If both parents pay, it's just a wash. Our CO states that insurance will be provided by NCP if reasonably priced insurance is available through the employer. Your ex can drop your child of her insurance and use yours, but she would have to pay the out-of-network charges since your insurance does not cover her area.

I wouldn't think you have have to tell her unless it is addressed in the court order.


I would just tell her that your job only offers in-state insurance right now. I would ask your job for a letter stating this also so you will have it for your records. If she goes back to court and states that she can not afford the premiums then you can show that your job does not cover her area. You will then probably be forced to split the prem. amount. I would get the insurance and then not say anything unless you have to use it. Insurance Prem. are going up and some company's are making employees pay more of the share so it seems her rates are going up.


The REAL question she is asking, is "Have you purchased health insurance so I can drop what I am paying for?"

Since you have no health  insurance for the child while in FL... the answer is:

" I have no resource to purchase health insurance for our child that would be applicable in FL and will not have a resource in the forseeable future. This appears to be the status quo so long as you are CP -- at least with my current employer. However, I will let you know if things change."

You are not lying to her, she has the answer she wants and you continue, business as usual.

I would suggest you send in writing the above Question and Answer and ask her to quit rehashing the subject -- since it is a waste of time. Assure her that if things change you will let her know.

Then if the health insurance changes to be available in Fl too, let her know.
A true soldier fights, not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves whats behind him...dear parents, please remember not to continue to fight because you hate your ex, but because you love your children.