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BM is a PSYCHO!!

Started by DMcD, Nov 26, 2003, 07:28:12 PM

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I can not believe her!! We meet at a so called half-way point (which is only about 1/4 of the total distance for BM). I bring the kids to her for her Thanksgiving time, even going so far as to offer her a few extra hours with the kids. I gave her 1/2 of the package of school pictures that WE paid for. No thank you, but I'll get over it. I started to walk away when I heard her start in on SD right away.

I turned around and asked BM if there was a problem. She asked where SD's glasses were. I let her know that they had gotten broken and hadn't been fixed yet. In front of the kids, in the middle of a freakin' Greyhound station. the woman starts her engines. "That child cannot SEE without her glasses! Why haven't you gotten them fixed or bought her an extra pair??" SD has READING glasses, folks. She can see without them. I let BM know that they would be fixed, but I can't get her a new pair at the moment. I asked her that if it was that important that SD have an extra pair, I would appreciate it if she would take her in to get a pair this weekend. She tells me that she had gotten SD a three HUNDRED dollar paid of glasses, EVERY YEAR and DH NEVER paid for them. I told her, "Well, you never asked him to. I'm asking you to help pay for them now." PBFH doesn't respond and turns away from me.

Makes me homicidal. I just want to take her by the ear and scream GET OVER YOURSELF!!!! I'm thinking that I might be able to get a protective order to prevent her from talking to me or DH during the exchanges to keep her from yelling and having totally inappropriate conversations in front of the kids in the future. The kids were VERY uncomfortable and all I could do was try to be calm and reassuring. What I really wanted to do was slap the sh*t out her.


take a deep breath,.... when they are psycho's like this they never think of the kids, only their own petty problems that are magnified by every little speck of inconvenience....

hopefully the kids will be able to enjoy the holidays and you to...

there is nothing we can do to fix them as much as we would all like to...

the person who finds the answer will be a millionaire cause we would all buy it.!


All I can say is "been there, done that", several times too many and on a more extreme level....
My SO was told by BM that I was not to bathe her children because I was sexually abused as a child....Can you believe that?  The middle child told her that I washed them while they were in the tub and this is what she said....I almost died and I went into kind of a mini depression...I didn't want people thinking this about me...Talk about a PBFH!!!

Indigo Mom

I agree, she IS psycho.  What a nut.  Next time you do the pick up/drop off, let her know you don't appreciate her acting like a 2 year old temper tantrumming little fool in front of SD.  And then proceed to say "if you've got something to say, say it politely...if not, shut that hole in your face before I do".

Or would that send her to the local PD?


*sigh* - No, I don't think she would go to the police, but her claim of a threat would make it into her next court declaration. Frankly, I tend to try to be the bigger person, take the high road and all that BS. The kids are there and DO NOT need to witness mom and stepmom verbally assaulting each other. As hard as it is to keep my cool, I will not stoop to her level and hurt the kids by engaging in an argument with their mother. I have protected them from her emotional abuse for years and God forbid I participate in that same abuse now that DH has custody. I just document it and move on. Maybe one day we will have enough proof to have her placed in court ordered therapy or possibly even supervised visitation to prevent the abuse. Until then, I just try to support the kids and keep them happy. If I am consistent, then maybe they will learn that mommy dearest is a vicious pig who doesn't care about making a scene and shouldn't be able to raise a pet rock, let alone three precious children.


ROTFLMAO!   A pet ROCK???????

Now D!  You KNOW those Pet Rocks are sensitive - ever notice how still hey sit?  They're petrified of making a mistake!

[em]the above is to be taken tongue-in cheek - LOL[/em]

Seriously though D - you got a tough one to handle there - and particularly now that you must do ALL of it, with DH active, you just NEVER get a break.  Poor sweetie.  Hang in there and it really WILL be okay one day.

[marquee]There is Karma...There is Karma...There is Karma[/marquee]