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The Eagle has landed...

Started by forthekids24, Jan 31, 2005, 05:08:41 PM

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....or should I say the big fat ugly do-do bird.

BM swooped in today, announcing her arrival back in the area by going to YSD's school at lunch time.

She has not seen the kids in a month, "didn't know" about her last visitation, and has spoken to them on the phone since the kids called her the weekend she forgot them.  (more than 2 weeks ago)

The school administrator called me at about noon to let us know that she had showed up there with her soon to be ex-husband to see YSD.  The administator called back about 20 minutes later to say that BM stayed to visit with YSD for less than 10 minutes!!

Sigh, I have not talked to YSD yet, so who knows where her head is now.   I am glad that BM made the effort to see YSD, but she pulled her out of class.  If BM would call DH to see the kids after school that would have been much easier.

OSD confided in me this weekend that she is tired of BM's crap and just "wants her to be more responsible"  WOW strong words from a 12 year old.

Well, now I don't have to wait for the other shoe to drop anymore.

On a positive note, DCSS will have the wage garnishment order completed soon, and we know who her new employer is in the area!
We might start to see some of the money she owes.

Hopefully BM and DH can negotiate a new parenting plan without going to court.  DH and I don't have the extra money to fight that battle.