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Reality check needed

Started by Ref, Nov 09, 2008, 06:54:35 AM

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OK. BM is losing her marbles. I sent an email to SD asking if she was ok and wishing her well after her mom called the house saying that SD had an emergency. On the email I offered to call DH's cell if she wanted me to.

BM intercepted the email and replied to me on SD's account saying that I was not to be involved in SD's life and that she and SD were perfectly capable of calling DH's cell.

DH tried to call SD but BM answered and started yelling at him about money. He asked several times to what happened to SD and then asked to speak with her directly. BM said she would only pass the phone on if he listened to everything she had to say and proceeded to say disparaging things about him. He hung up the phone.

He sent SD an email saying that he tried to called her and hoped she was ok. He did say that her mom wouldn't put her on the phone. He offered to reimburse her for cellphone calls if he would give him her cellphone number (BM refuses to let DH have SD's cell number)

Low and behold BM sends an email from SD's account saying that DH is stupid and that she has all of SD's passwords and can delete any emails DH sends her at any time. She said she has never done that, but will in these circumstances.

DH resends his email to SD and BM writes "intercepted again!".  He resends again and she replies again saying "you aren't very smart are ya".

What to do? DH still doesn't know what is wrong with SD. He can't call or email her.

Ugh. We have 5 months and 22 days left. Does it really get darkest before the dawn?

Kitty C.

Do you know what ER your SD went to?  Is it possible to call them, fax a copy of the order (if your DH has joint legal), and ask them directly what she was treated for?  Of course, with HIPAA, you will have a lot of hoops to jump through, but I bet you'd get more answers that way than from the BM.
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


I know I am a few weeks late to this thread...but I did want to say- no judge or GAL is going to think what mom did was in any way "cute".....sheesh.

Why can't kiddo give dad the number?

Wisconsin Mom

Does SD by any chance have an email address through her high school?  I was able to find my SD's by searching around the school website--hers was actually on a webpage for a club she belonged to, but all the email addy's were based on some dirivitive on the last name/first name and you could figure it out by seeing what the other's were.

...oh, and save the "intercepted again" emails.  At least she'll know he tried to contact her.