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My ex tried to destroy the relationship...

Started by lucky, Feb 23, 2007, 02:04:40 PM

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But really only blew his own with dd.

This morning at 10:48, dd gave birth to a 6 pound, 6 ounce, 19.5 inch baby boy named Avery.  :)  

Although she'd said that she only wanted Avery's dad to be in the labor/delivery room, dad called me about an hour before she had him and told me he thought I should come to the hospital (he was getting a little freaked) so I did and had the privilege (and heartbreak listening to her and not being able to make the pain go away) of witnessing my first grandchild's birth.  And dd told me that she'd have made it through with just dad, but having me there helped so much more.

She called her father AFTER everyone else had been called.

I wish I knew how to put a picture in my post so all of my friends here could see him, but as computer savvy as I am, that skill eludes me.  I just had to share my great news!


Lead your life so you wouldn't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip.
- Will Rogers[em]

Lead your life so you wouldn't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip. ~  Will Rogers


I can try to post the pic if you like....

What a wonderful opportunity for you and A!!!!




dsm - 36; DH - 39; SD - 17; LO - 11; BB - 3
3 Cheap Entertainment cats - Sam,  Snoop & Dagger
Live, Love, and Laugh
dsm - 44
DH - 48
SD - 26
LO - 19
BB - 12
1 demon who provides cheap entertainment of the fluffy and furry kind.

My mantra - it's time for me to do for me and mine so we can live in the present and not fret about the past nor worry about the future.  What is, is

Kitty C.

Thanks for the pic.............he's adorable!!!!!!  And sounds like DD has done well for herself.....no thanks to your ex.  Wanna take any guesses as to how old A will be when he finally meets his grandpa??  ;-)
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


If you can get it posted I would love it.  I just can't figure it out.


Lead your life so you wouldn't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip.
- Will Rogers[em]

Lead your life so you wouldn't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip. ~  Will Rogers


Well, they've already met.  DD's dad went up to the hospital.  It was all cool, as far as I'm concerned now that dd is grown, her father is nothing to me so we just chatted about whatever, you know?

However, his wife does NOT want to be grandma so apparently there are still bad feelings there so who knows how often he'll see him or how well he'll get to know him.


Lead your life so you wouldn't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip.
- Will Rogers[em]

Lead your life so you wouldn't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip. ~  Will Rogers


Here is the beautiful boy!   Congrats to Lucky and her DD!!!!  :)

[img src=http://www.deltabravo.net/dc/pics/Avery013a.jpg]


dsm - 36; DH - 39; SD - 17; LO - 11; BB - 3
3 Cheap Entertainment cats - Sam,  Snoop & Dagger
Live, Love, and Laugh
dsm - 44
DH - 48
SD - 26
LO - 19
BB - 12
1 demon who provides cheap entertainment of the fluffy and furry kind.

My mantra - it's time for me to do for me and mine so we can live in the present and not fret about the past nor worry about the future.  What is, is


He is sooooo cute Lucky!!  Congratulations "Grandma"  :)


Thanks, DSM!


Lead your life so you wouldn't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip.
- Will Rogers[em]

Lead your life so you wouldn't be ashamed to sell the family parrot to the town gossip. ~  Will Rogers
