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e-mail to Sen./ reply

Started by tjraid18, May 18, 2004, 02:11:01 PM

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  This is just an e-mail to Sen. Gary George in OR and the reply I got yesterday. I would like some advice.

    Dear Senator Gary george:

  I am a non-custody father concened about family law in our court system and how it affects our children, our citizens and our community. there are many fathers who are unable to maintain a relationship with their children after divorce. I personally am very frustrated with the current situation. i would like to know what I can find out about the legislative process and try to get involved, not only for myself and my two children; but for other non-custodial parents as well. i know little about the legislative process or government. Any information you could send me would be greatly appreciated.
                                            Thank you,

Thanks for taking the time to express your concerns to the Senator. He is aware of the many abuses of the system and agrees that much can and should be done to make it more accountable and effective. As issues in this area are brought before him, he does what he can to assist but many times, it is difficult to break through the endless red tape created by the state agencies. The Sen. has initiated many audits of DHS. Some have been effecive and some have not.

From my knowledge of the system, your needs might best be met by a legislator that is on the Human services Committee. These legislators are: (one thru 14)

You can either contact these individuals, particularly if your state Rep. is among those listed, or give me some specific ideas on what kind of information you want to become educated on.

thanks again for contacting the Sen. regarding your concerns.
get back with what you are able to come up with.

 Ryan ---------
 Legislative assistant to Sen. George
 Dist. 12
 Phone #

                What kind of information am I looking for? I just want to know how things work and how I can get involved ----- but I need to ask specific questions. Does anybody have suggestions for a good next step? Thank you, tj


You are fortunate. You appear to have a strong fathers/childrens right organization in your state. From what I can glean from their website, they are effective and organized. Contact them. I am sure they can guide you.:


Please let me know how things go.


   Thanks again for the advice Antonin. The Tuesday meeting was last week and I was the only one there. I wasn't successful e-mailing Jeff Edwards so I wrote him and am waiting for a reply. I am looking forward to finding out whats going on with DADS; big time. In the meanwhile I'd like to try and find out what else I can. I'll let you know how things go.


Don't despair about the attendance. As I've stated elsewhere, that is a systemic problem with these groups. Three years ago, when I first began posting on SPARC, I joined the DADS group in the state where I live. Things were slow going at first. Within the last year, things have really picked up. Several bills introduced into the legislature, several major court battles won, and a vast educational, active support arsenal created in the form of a very detailed database and "real time" outreach program. (As in human beings talking to other human beings face to face).


TJ: What kind of information am I looking for?
Ideas... and ways to make the laws equal for both parents so that children can benefit from ~both parents~ Sure, some cases need one parent or the other, but I'd bet most would do right with the teachings of both parents.

You're on the right track... and may have struck a vein of gold already!

Assembling a "who's who" of 'father friendly' or "shared parenting" legislators is a great start!  I applaud your efforts!!

And don't be dismayed if you and only one other dad show up at some event... Thats a 100% improvement! Persistence will pay off in the long run. And after all, kids do best with both parents in the long run.

DHS/CPS misbehavior is a snakepit of fingerpointing and who knows what.
Some, so called "investigators" look only at daycare facilities, others investigate child abuse, and others just keep track of the money.

Most definately, hook up by phone, email, whatever way you can with the other folks involved.


  Thanks for the replies. Yeah I kind of figured the stuff was running downhill a little when I read the response to my inquiry. But still --- It was a positive and helpfull response. And encouraging. People can get so much further in their pursuits with politicians / agencies if they know what questions to ask. And if they ask them in the right way. As evidenced in court cases that have been dismissed because of the technical language of the complaint. They hide behind the technical language and use it so they don't have to go against percieved public or social policy. Thier watching out for number 1# --- themselves ---- instead of for the children or their fathers who can't be a positive influence in their lives. Imagine all the homeless or orphaned children in the world who pray to god evey day that they could have a good loving father in their lives, but can't. And we can't even see our own biological children because of selfish, vindictive, greedy ex's.
  Things are changing though. Go Iowa!!!!

           ~ From tiny acorns grow mighty Oaks ~



I am also from OR and have been trying to think of the best way to be effective.  It is probably too late to get laws in place to help my husband, but I don't want my son to ever have to go through what my husband has gone through.

We live up in Portland and getting to Corvallis by 7 on a tuesday maybe a little difficult, but I will see if at least one of us can start making it. (probably won't be able to until at least July 6)

If you want to contact me you can email me at [email protected]


   Hello.... glad to read your message. Sorry to hear that your husband went through the fun stuff. My brother lives in Milwaukie, it's nice up there, but too big!!! I will get ahold of you as soon as I hear from Jeff Edwards to find out whats going on with the meetings. Maybe they just cancelled that one meeting --- I don't know. I sent him a letter a week ago so hopefully will be hearing back soon. It's good to have an Oregon person to talk to. I'll definitely email soon.


                     ~ From small acorns grow mighty Oaks ~