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Service Plan info needed

Started by imissmyson, Nov 23, 2003, 10:51:53 PM

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With the new look of the forums comes a new name for me. I was "brokenhearted" but not now.

My wife took son out of Oregon to California when i was under a no contact order. Wife called the police and they charged me with assult 4 felony (charges dropped 3 weeks later) and they stayed in a domestic violence shelter. About 2 months later son was taken from her by Child Protective Services and placed in a foster care home as wife was unable to make correct choices.

I tried to make all court dates but was unable to for the Disposition hearing (each visit to there cost me $250-400). However i was not given any visitation rights to son (i have never had any visitation rights). Wife lied under oath many times and is allowed to see son weekly. It has been almost 7 months since i last seen or spoke to son.

CPS counselor says she is making a "service plan" for me. What exactly is this? Who pays for it? If i complete all that is asked of me what happens then? Will i ever get to see my son again? He is now 11 and wife has brainwashed him badly. She has told him "your daddy is coming to kill us" and things of this nature. Son is terrified of me now. He went from "cries all the time wanting me and to stay a family to "being terrified of me" (i have not seen or spoke to him at all in 7 months). California state says son old enough to make own decisions and will not force a visitation  (son has autism). Any advice? Thanks in advance :)


Was able to speak to cps counselor this am so all my questions are now answered :)