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My last say on the subject unless I am goaded to violate that statement!

Started by nerd, Jan 06, 2004, 09:55:36 AM

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I suggest you research the meaning of "veiled threat" for starters.  I don't need to rehash this; everyone on this board can read; Ditto concerning examples.  I have no doubt that you have read every single one of them since you are the subject of the thread.    No thank you on the e-mails either I have taken care of that myself.

Thanks but no thanks on being your victim; I have a headache.

The only thing that I am afraid of is that this board will lose its credibility or any resemblance of a charitable "business" set up to be a "helpful" social influence to all citizens of America.

Fortunately, and I will state this again, since SPARC is a non-profit organization receiving help from the United States Government in the form of Tax Free Status, looking up IP address to prevent "trolling" is a moot point.   Any citizen in this fine country has a right to come here if they obey SPARC's AUP.  You cannot keep them out simply because they are someone's ex.  And I don't think SPARC can create a rule that says, "if you are an ex of a member of this Board, then you are not allowed here, and if we find out, we'll kick you off.   Let's all look up the meaning and repercussions of "discrimination" because of marital status, age, gender, race, religion, etc.  by a 501 C (3)  business.  And I would suggest anyone who is being led to believe that this board is not an integral part of SPARC as a "business", read the boards home page where it clearly states that this site, meaning the site in its entirety and that includes the board, is under the rules and regulation of a 501 c(3) business.

To suggest that SPARC can refuse to allow members of the public, who do not violate the AUP, to come onto this board or set the tone that no ex is allowed simply because they are someone's ex, is simply not based in the reality and laws governing your 501 status.  Sorry to burst your bubble.  

If your "investigations" into someone's status as to their being an ex of a current member of this board (who happen to become a member before the ex did) rooted out a "troll,"  what are your options?  The only thing you CAN do, and would be of great help, would be to educate and moderate, to the best that your honorable position allows you, to both parties.

 One of the options is to harass them off the board.  Which I am sure is a big no no governing businesses receiving government benefits, especially if they are not violating the AUP.    If you have created the illusion that this is proper under the legal codes governing your organization, you have done SPARC and the many people who come here for help a great disservice!  People come here for help based in reality, not illusions, they get enough of that elsewhere.   I was under the assumption that one of the primary reasons for this board is to "help" parents, and that includes exes, communicate and know their rights for the benefit of the children.  

It appears that secrecy is your (I am not sure it is the stand that SPARC originally took) main defense for your actions concerning my home IP address.  Secrecy from exes who may find out what the other party is doing and I can see how in certain circumstances this would be a good thing, however,  SPARC cannot prevent that with paranoid tactics or indeed take steps themselves to prevent it!  SPARC is not allowed to operate as a secret organization nor purposefully obstruct the access of the public to this board because they are someone's ex.  Is that what you are alluding to Brent; that SPARC is a secret organization operating on taxpayer dollars and government relief?  

Are you upset with my telling you my rights because you don't want anyone else knowing the truth?  Again, might I remind you that we do have all the rights that are protected by the laws of SPARC's 501 C(3),  as long as I observe the AUP.  You cannot remove those rights from me or anyone else who posts here.  

I understand that there is no guarantee that the site will be up and running and accessible, because even a physical site can be closed due to unforeseeable events.  That is what you are referring to, as "You have no right to guaranteed access."  Most businesses post that kind of disclaimer.   Why would you want to create the illusion or even attempt to convince members that they have no rights to access a not for profit public board here?  That is very disturbing.  Your statement is one that would apply to a private site, not a public site such as SPARC.  Maybe SPARC started out in someone's garage as a private site and could deny access to anyone they wanted to, but SPARC has moved beyond that now of its own choosing and has grown into something wonderful because of that decision.  

I guess if SPARC really feels like it wants to be a secret men's organization, and I guess if SPARC really feels like it needs the power to discriminate, bar access of people not violating AUP, harass, bash, etc, then it could always give up its 501C(3) and start paying taxes on any and all donations it receives as well as any and all monies that it makes selling those cute Tee Shirts I intend to purchase.   But why would SPARC want to do that because one moderator is not following the edicts of his own job description.  Which, by the way is posted publicly.  


For the hope that you'll get off of your little rant, and your veiled threat against SPARC.  Veiled threat...like you trying to use the 501C status against SPARC.

I alway knew that someday the feminazis would come and attack SPARC.  Anytime Father's get anything good going in equalizing the whole situation, the feminists have to take it down.  Even though SPARC's members are mostly second wives.  The feminist motto should be:

"Equality for women...not for men."

similar to what yours could be:

"Equality for me...not for Brent."

You point out that everyone else should be able to post freely.

Why can't Brent?  Oh, I know, I know, he pissed you off.



Nerd what's going on with you?  I know the holiday season is miserable for many of us here, but I don't understand this outburst.  Just calm down and take a deep breath!

This is a website run independently from government or commercial concerns.  If I missed something that happened over the weekend, and I'm not understanding your reaction correctly, then I apologize.  There is a remedy for you and your husband.  Start your own website dealing with grandparents rights.  You will be able to monitor content and posts.  It's the American way :-)

Happy New Year....please try and relax...


I have read all topics and responses to topics and only have one or two things to say.

1. The only person I have seen do any kind of threatning is Nerd, by attacking Sparc.

2. I have seen nothing to offend myself on any board.

3. Noone has told anyone they have to leave because they are an EX. People make it plain that ex's are not welcome to cause problems, but noone has been booted even if they are an ex if no problems have been caused.



  Not only are you pompous, but you're still a moron.  Have a nice day.


Nerd, what is going on here?  I know how emotionally taxing child custody disputes are, they can literally break the bank and the mind.  Is that what is going on here?  Are you just so tired of the fighting with your dtr's ex and his atty that you are taking out all of your hatred on us and this site?  I don't get it!???  

And I think it is VERY hard for alot of us, who start thinking of you as a grandma figure, and then you go and do this....I really, really don't understand it.  I think we are just so shocked you could turn on this site with such venom!  For me, this is a home-away-from-home (sort of), and I for one don't want you or anyone else to ruin that!  I have met many lovely, wonderful, supportive people here, several I communicate with via email and phone and have become good friends with.  

So, please, just put these thoughts on a back burner, go see your physician and discuss with him signs of depression (I am not slamming here, as the situation you currently are in, as many of us are or have been, is psychologically damaging).  Perhaps an antidepressant may help.  

Even though on one of my posts to you I wasn't very nice at all, I am sorry about that.  That isn't the way I usually treat people, but I was very upset about that particular post.  So, wish you and your's the best, and hope you look into the real reasons why you are feeling the way you do.



>No thank you on the e-mails either I have
>taken care of that myself.

In other words, they probably never existed- just like all the "abusive" comments you claimed were being made to you. Thanks for clearing that up.

>"Thanks but no thanks on being your victim; I have a headache."

I bet your husband hears that all the time.

>The only thing that I am afraid of is that this board will
>lose its credibility or any resemblance of a charitable
>"business" set up to be a "helpful" social influence to all
>citizens of America.

Well then calm yourself, because it isn't going to happen.

>Government in the form of Tax Free Status, looking up IP
>address to prevent "trolling" is a moot point.  

No, it's not. We have the right, and as you would say, the "duty" to prevent trolls from ruining it for the rest of the users.

>SPARC's AUP.  You cannot keep them out simply because they are
>someone's ex.

Who ever said we did? Now you're just making stuff up as you go along. NO ONE ever said someone's ex couldn't come here.

>And I don't think SPARC can create a rule that
>says, "if you are an ex of a member of this Board, then you
>are not allowed here, and if we find out, we'll kick you off.

Where is the world do you get this stuff? No one ever said anything like this. Again, as we've asked you MANY MANY times, show us where it says this. Show us where ANYONE said this. You can't, because no one ever said anything like this.

>in its entirety and that includes the board, is under the
>rules and regulation of a 501 c(3) business.

Blah, blah, blah. What's your point?

>To suggest that SPARC can refuse to allow members of the
>public, who do not violate the AUP, to come onto this board or
>set the tone that no ex is allowed simply because they are
>someone's ex, is simply not based in the reality and laws
>governing your 501 status.  

What the hell are you talking about? No one ever said anything like this, and you're beginning to sound like a genuine paranoid nutcase.

>If your "investigations" into someone's status as to their
>being an ex of a current member of this board (who happen to

This has nothing to do with "who is an ex of who". Stop spinning that crap, shutup for a moment, and listen: We can and do ban "trolls"- people who cause trouble here- and it has nothing, repeat NOTHING to do with who their ex is or isn't. Is that clear? Do I need to draw you some pictures? It doesn't violate the AUP, it's part of the AUP. Sorry to burst your bubble.

> One of the options is to harass them off the board.  Which I

Harassing? Ahhh, so if people disagree with you, they're harassing you? Clever reinvention of the word, if you ask me.

>I was under
>the assumption that one of the primary reasons for this board
>is to "help" parents, and that includes exes, communicate and
>know their rights for the benefit of the children.  

Well you FINALLY got something right. But we do NOT have to cater to "trolls", who are people that disrupt the site. Period. We don't, and none of your high-decibel whining will make it so. We have the right to ban people who cause trouble, just like in a store or a bar or a public library. Sorry to "burst your bubble" (again).

>Is that what you are alluding to Brent; that SPARC is a secret
>organization operating on taxpayer dollars and government

I think you need a new tinfoil hat, nerd. The old one must be letting the rays through to your "brain".

>Are you upset with my telling you my rights because you don't
>want anyone else knowing the truth?  Again, might I remind you
>that we do have all the rights that are protected by the laws
>of SPARC's 501 C(3),  as long as I observe the AUP.  You
>cannot remove those rights from me or anyone else who posts

Again, you have no real right to anything here, except to browse the site if it happens to be accessible from the web. That's the extent of your "rights". SPARC has the right to ban disruptive users, and no court in the world will disagree. If you interfere with the operation of the SPARC site, the admin has the right (and the duty, as you would say) to prevent that person from ruining it for the rest of the legitimate users. And all your bellyaching and sniveling won't change that.

>I understand that there is no guarantee that the site will be
>up and running and accessible,

Well at least you understand that. 1 out of 500 isn't bad.

> Why would you
>want to create the illusion or even attempt to convince
>members that they have no rights to access a not for profit
>public board here?  

Accessing these boards is a privilege, not a right. And that privilege is contingent on a user behaving in accordance with the AUP. Got it? Your access to these boards is not a "right". If the admin wanted to, he could turn off the registration on the message boards, make them all private, and that would be that. And there isn't a damn thing you could do or say about it. He could charge $500 for a membership to the boards, and there isn't anything you could say or do to prevent it. It would be 100% legal.

I say this not because he intends to do that, but to show that he could, and he would be in full compliance with the law. The 501(c)3 guidelines don't give you the right to tell SPARC what is "okay" to post, order any changes in the site, insist that we behave a certain way, or control the language used here. They don't, and I suggest you stop bleating that they do.

>I guess if SPARC really feels like it wants to be a secret
>men's organization,

LOL!! Break out the tinfoil hats everyone, the Secret Meeting is about to begin!  lolololol

Nerd, I can sum up your comments in one line:

[img src=http://www.afuncard.com/cards/images/baby/g0426616.gif]

[font size=+1]"Wahhh, wahh, wahh!!"[/font]


Well, I for one,, am glad its your last word.

I really love how you make sure SPARC knows your rights,, yet you want them to censor others.

What I dont understand is this; you came to this site, full of questions and wanting help,, and recieved it, freely. By one and all here. Now, by your own words, we are some sort of secret organization of men who hate women. I dont get it,, which is it? Did we or did we not give you any help you asked for?

Or, are we a secret society of men looking to undermine you as a woman?

Ahhh, I got it!!, we must be BOTH. YES!! EUREKA!! THATS IT!!! We'll settle and sooth your suspicious mind with offers to help, THEN we'll undermine you as a woman MUUUAAHAHAHA,

Sheesh, get over yourself already.

By the way, all that help you recieved from all the posters,, wasnt required under ANY 501c, THAT was out of the desire to help,, care to bet you dont recieve any more of it from the posters who are NOT bound by any charter??

Indigo Mom

or something.  You definitely need something stuffed in your gob for crying out loud!!!!!  (yes I know, it was sick....but I AM sick, so get over that, too)  Just shut up about this already!!!!!

You wanted help for your daughter, you got ALOT, now you want to scream how biased this site is?????  WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.....GET OVER IT!

How could you say "this is all I have to say, unless I'm goaded".  WTF?  You're the one doing the goading with all your pathetic attempts to piss the posters here off.  What is wrong with you????  I have a few ideas...mid life crisis maybe?  GET OVER IT!

I think you're a lying freak who probably doesn't even have a daughter in trouble.  You come from a site that HATES men...was this your plan all along?  Be all peachy keen, all fuzzy wuzzy and nice, only to turn into the Ultimate Bitch a few months later?  Are you bipolar or something?  Cripes woman....GET OVER YOURSELF.

Now, I'm taking bets.  Can nerd FINALLY shut up?????  I've got 10 bucks saying she can't.  


No thanx Indy, I think I'll pass on that bet. I prefer to keep my 10 bux ;)


Okay IM, you're being too tough on someone that I truly believe is having some emotional problems here!  Let's wait to see what the doc has to say, ok?


>Okay IM, you're being too tough on someone that I truly
>believe is having some emotional problems here!

I personally don't doubt she has emotional problems, along with a bunch of other problems that all have really long names. :)

Nonetheless, she came here, got the help and assistance she needed, and then proceeded to trash the very place that helped her. "Ungrateful" is the first word that comes to mind.

I took this last part out. I don't want to be accused of pushing her over the edge.


Let's wait to
>see what the doc has to say, ok?

Let's hope it's Dr. Kevorkian.

I am ROTFLMAOPMP!!!!!!!!!!!



she really is having a breakdown.  I'm really worried about her.  This seems totally out of character on what I know of her.  Nerd, if you read this, go talk to your doctor.  You are under alot of stress, you need help, help you can't give yourself.  



>I suggest you research the meaning of "veiled threat" for
>starters.  I don't need to rehash this; everyone on this board
>can read; Ditto concerning examples.  I have no doubt that you
>have read every single one of them since you are the subject
>of the thread.    No thank you on the e-mails either I have
>taken care of that myself.

>*I believe you've been asked to provide proof of this*

>Thanks but no thanks on being your victim; I have a headache.

>*Getting a headache myself trying to see your reasoning*

>The only thing that I am afraid of is that this board will
>lose its credibility or any resemblance of a charitable
>"business" set up to be a "helpful" social influence to all
>citizens of America.
*No need to fear, this site will be here long after you leave*
>Fortunately, and I will state this again, since SPARC is a
>non-profit organization receiving help from the United States
>Government in the form of Tax Free Status, looking up IP
>address to prevent "trolling" is a moot point.   Any citizen
>in this fine country has a right to come here if they obey
>SPARC's AUP.  You cannot keep them out simply because they are
>someone's ex.
*I don't recall that ever happening as my husband's ex frequents this site*

 And I don't think SPARC can create a rule that
>says, "if you are an ex of a member of this Board, then you
>are not allowed here, and if we find out, we'll kick you off.
*That has never happened-only when said ex's cause trouble-and make it known that is what they are here for*

> Let's all look up the meaning and repercussions of
>"discrimination" because of marital status, age, gender, race,
>religion, etc.  by a 501 C (3)  business.  And I would suggest
>anyone who is being led to believe that this board is not an
>integral part of SPARC as a "business", read the boards home
>page where it clearly states that this site, meaning the site
>in its entirety and that includes the board, is under the
>rules and regulation of a 501 c(3) business.
>To suggest that SPARC can refuse to allow members of the
>public, who do not violate the AUP, to come onto this board or
>set the tone that no ex is allowed simply because they are
>someone's ex,

*again, my husbands ex was allowed to be here until she caused trouble*

 is simply not based in the reality and laws
>governing your 501 status.  Sorry to burst your bubble.  
>If your "investigations" into someone's status as to their
>being an ex of a current member of this board (who happen to
>become a member before the ex did) rooted out a "troll,"  what
>are your options?  The only thing you CAN do, and would be of
>great help, would be to educate and moderate, to the best that
>your honorable position allows you, to both parties.
>*the moderators of this site do a terrific job and in my situation, after husbands ex came on here pretending to be me, after she followed me into chat and copied my "conversation" (posted for her benefit, btw-knew it was her), after she then came into chat and created a disturbance--then she was banned. However, she has since created several more "persona's" and has been back. The banning occured after many warnings for her to stop-she was told she could post and come into chat, provided there were NO problems. I believe this was exactly what the moderators job is...*

> One of the options is to harass them off the board.

*again, where is your proof?*

  Which I
>am sure is a big no no governing businesses receiving
>government benefits, especially if they are not violating the
>AUP.    If you have created the illusion that this is proper
>under the legal codes governing your organization, you have
>done SPARC and the many people who come here for help a great
>disservice!  People come here for help based in reality, not
>illusions, they get enough of that elsewhere.   I was under
>the assumption that one of the primary reasons for this board
>is to "help" parents, and that includes exes, communicate and
>know their rights for the benefit of the children.
*again, from personal experience, the ex we deal with has been in here on more than one occasion--no banning occured until she started trouble*
>It appears that secrecy is your (I am not sure it is the stand
>that SPARC originally took) main defense for your actions
>concerning my home IP address.  Secrecy from exes who may find
>out what the other party is doing and I can see how in certain
>circumstances this would be a good thing, however,  SPARC
>cannot prevent that with paranoid tactics or indeed take steps
>themselves to prevent it!  SPARC is not allowed to operate as
>a secret organization nor purposefully obstruct the access of
>the public to this board because they are someone's ex.

*again, see my statements above--I know of several other "ex's" that have posted from time to time...and until trouble is caused, (ie, attacking the other parent/poster, stalking them in this forum, etc.....,) they can post here*
>that what you are alluding to Brent; that SPARC is a secret
>organization operating on taxpayer dollars and government
*this is just assinine*
>Are you upset with my telling you my rights because you don't
>want anyone else knowing the truth?  Again, might I remind you
>that we do have all the rights that are protected by the laws
>of SPARC's 501 C(3),  as long as I observe the AUP.  You
>cannot remove those rights from me or anyone else who posts

*ah, but they can*
>I understand that there is no guarantee that the site will be
>up and running and accessible, because even a physical site
>can be closed due to unforeseeable events.  That is what you
>are referring to, as "You have no right to guaranteed access."
> Most businesses post that kind of disclaimer.   Why would you
>want to create the illusion or even attempt to convince
>members that they have no rights to access a not for profit
>public board here?

*you're really stretching things here*

 That is very disturbing.  Your statement
>is one that would apply to a private site, not a public site
>such as SPARC.  Maybe SPARC started out in someone's garage as
>a private site and could deny access to anyone they wanted to,
>but SPARC has moved beyond that now of its own choosing and
>has grown into something wonderful because of that decision.
>I guess if SPARC really feels like it wants to be a secret
>men's organization,

*umm....lots of women on here*

 and I guess if SPARC really feels like it
>needs the power to discriminate, bar access of people not
>violating AUP, harass, bash, etc,

*again, proof?*

 then it could always give up
>its 501C(3) and start paying taxes on any and all donations it
>receives as well as any and all monies that it makes selling
>those cute Tee Shirts I intend to purchase.   But why would
>SPARC want to do that because one moderator is not following
>the edicts of his own job description.

*who, Brent?*
  Which, by the way is
>posted publicly.  

Okay, I agree with the others now, you are angry and need to take a few steps back and re-group. BTW, Brent aint goin no where and has been through this before.


Shhhh!  Just stop that and leave her alone.


Something is wrong.  The holidays can bring out all the damn baggage for a lot of us.

Indigo Mom

IF something is wrong with her, she's doing herself NO good by attacking an entire website because she doesn't like one person.  IF something is wrong with her, she wouldn't be following Mr. B all over the boards with snide comments no matter WHAT the content of his postings.  IF something is wrong with her, not only is she abusing herself by not getting help, but she's abusing others...that which I won't feel "sorry" for.

I personally don't think there's anything wrong with her.  I have been extremely depressed, suicidal, and I've never attacked others for no reason.  During the lowest of my lows, I haven't done what she's doing.  I think she's full of it, was full of it when she came here, and had an agenda...get all the help she could, then turn on those she despises most.  You don't attack those who give you help, unless you are a user and abuser.  

I'm sorry, but this is pure crap.  Yes, Holidays can be tough.  Mine were tough.  Not only was I told the worst possible "news" right before Christmas, but I was also in the ER with my daughter.  I don't feel the need to shred or threaten a website because of this.  

nerd needs help...because she's CLEARLY a planet mommyite.  I thought she was a wonderful person when she came here...but a wonderful person wouldn't turn into a rabid beast so suddenly.  My daughter was bitten in the face by a "nice" dog a few months back...one that turned quickly like nerd did.  Mr. B can be a right pain in the behind, but he doesn't deserve these attacks.  And don't get me started on the unneccessary attacks on the sites owner........

If nerd "truly" does need help, if she's "truly" in trouble, she's doing herself wrong and those around her wrong by making herself feel "better" by lashing out at those who don't deserve it.