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Interesting perspective on John Kerry's war record

Started by StPaulieGirl, Feb 19, 2004, 01:10:40 PM

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Funny you should mention that MB,,

I was finally threatened with a psych eval and discharge if I tried to re-up again where I was. I had gotten to the point, I didnt WANT to come back here to the states.

Kitty C.

That's more information than I've ever gotten on him and he really sounds like an interesting and honest guy...........
Handle every stressful situation like a dog........if you can't play with it or eat it, pee on it and walk away.......


NP :-)

If I find anything else, I'll post it.  



Ah Hah...let's see...you're the know-it-all that thinks children should
should be placed if foster care.  If you would have been in TFER when I was there perhaps you wouldn't be so willing to downgrade it.

Watch your mouth.


I dont need to watch anything twit.

In fact,, you wanna come rag on me now? Got nothing better to do? No small animals to torture eh?

Better yet,, just what do you think you can do if I dont "watch my mouth" ya blowhard?

I love how you take my posts about children and foster care out of context,, but then that seems to be a trademark of your attacks and personal vendettas.
Now I have to ask davy ,, just what does my being a know it all , or your twisted slanted views on my posts have to do with the subject at hand? You need help. You truly need to get therapy.

Does it say across subject: PD is a know it all? Or how about, PD thinks kids need to be in foster care?  Nope,, it says davy needs therapy,, that is the topic . ;)


Guess it makes you feel like a big man.  You and I both know better !

I brought up your views on placing children in foster care ... remember John5739 ... as an indication of who really needs therapy.  Are you still using like many in the medical field ??



If anyone who knows me saw that, they would laugh right out of their chair. Me? A liberal? Too too funny.

I remember my posts quite well on that particular subject,, now, I challenge you to back up your view of them with cold hard facts. In fact, you and I and anyone else who remembers that particular thread also knows just why and under what terms I advocated children being in foster care. But of course,, THAT doesnt fit or match your attack on me,, so you conveniently forget to mention that dont you?

I simply love your view of medical personel. It goes so well with the rest of your demented views.

So,, you obviously have gone off your meds again ,, havent you davy?


I want to be completely honest and polite to all...

Please do not turn posts into flame wars.  I come on here to read the posts, they start turning into flame wars, and i start skipping over threads where more then one of the people are in it so i do not have to deal with it. I have more concerns in real life then to see some people throwing hate around.

Thank you for your time reading.