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Please read our story and help a grieving father

Started by Justice4Alexa, Dec 07, 2003, 08:21:37 PM

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Dwight "Nick" Davidson, PFC Davidson, Was stationed at Ft Campbell, KY when tragedy struck his life.  He was a model soldier serving his country.  He was profiled by our judicial system.  His status as a soldier was used against him in a case of accusations that would astonish you, he lost his daughter...she was murdered and the judicial system accused Nick of having so called "Gulf Wars Syndrome."  Don't get us wrong we know the syndrome does exist but our judicial system is getting out of hand with it creating a stereo type of whoever has been overseas for whatever reason will be violent toward their children and their families.  The mother bargained with the prosecution although her recollections surrounding their daughter's death were completely inconsistent.  Nick has lost everything.  Please take the time to read his story at our sites are listed below.  Read signatures # 539 and those surrounding it to see how his unit still supports him although he is in prison.  Help stop profiling of our soldiers.  Nicks case is not unique.  It is happening in the system more frequently then people may know.  Nick is in prison for failing to protect his daughter and her murderer still walks free.  The mother has given birth to another child just one year after her daughter's death.  A shocking story everyone should know.
When Nick joined the military he thought all he had to worry about was being away from his family he never saw what was to come.

A tragic loss of a daughter and a great injustice!!!

Alexa' Nicole Davidson was murdered.  Her father was brought to trial based solely on a theory, circumstantial evidence, and a finger pointing mother avoiding prosecution.  
Al thought the jury found him not guilty of murder they returned a verdict of guilty to a lessor charge of failing to protect his daughter.  The prosecution now refuses to charge the mother.  Her recollections of the events surrounding her daughter's death are completely inconsistent but the prosecution offered her a deal to testify against Alexa's father.   Dwight's story is one every parent should know. His story will shock you. Please forward to as many people as possible.  Below is the site for the full case summary.  We need you help!!


A poem about Dwight's pain and loss

A pain never-ending
will it ever go away
A pain never-ending
how long will it stay

A pain never-ending
burns deep in my heart
A pain never-ending
will it ever part

A pain never-ending
is there a cure
A pain never-ending
will I endure

A pain never-ending
which grew from love
A pain never-ending
that is now up above

Dwight's full story is at the following site

Please help keep our story moving.


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To receive updates in our fight for justice or ask questions regarding the information in the case please join our group @ the address below


Angie Holden [email protected] or [email protected]
Joy Thomas (Dwight's mother) [email protected]


I didn't get a chance to read all of this, however I strongly feel you should contact Dean Tong, he works with top rate attys around the world. He was convicted and sent to jail for 10yrs for false allegations of sexually abusing his daughter, now he devotes his life to help other not go thru what he had to.

I think his email is [email protected]
or you can go to abuse-excuse.com

Prayers to your family.  My friend served in the gulf war too and is a very gentle person.



Thank you I have contacted vis email late last night.  Thank you for taking the time to read his story but if you couldnt see it all you can view it at the link below and see his web page.  Thank you again for your response.




I admit that I just skimmed the whole article.  What jumped out at me is that Nicole picked up Nick while she was married.  He apparently didn't know she was married when they hooked up.  My prayers are for Nick, and also for the baby. God rest her soul....


Thank you and your right he didnt know.  She was already pregnant all he sould do them was take on his responsibilty as he did.  And it landed him in prison.  He has told the truth and she has obviously lied but no one seems to care since she was willing to bargain and he didnt know enough to even gain a conviction for the prosecution.  Thank you for taking the time to read some of the story as we know it is long.  Thanks Again Angie


let me know if you here from Dean Tong I would like to know what he had to say.  I went to a seminar she spoke at omg he was good.

Prayers to Nick and your famliy and tell Nick Alexa is a bright star in the sky watching over him. She is his angel and will always be.


I will let you know what he says.  I tell Nick alot of things about his angel.  He is still grieving so sometimes I think he is like ya ya.  I try to understand it is difficult when you have never lost your child and then stand as the sole suspect even though I try to tell Nick it could have been worse sometimes it doesnt seem to help you know to him everyday he spent locked up on top of loosing his daughter is one day to many for him.  His strength is amazing though and the love for his daughter is still there in his eyes.  I cant wait until he is free and we can help him find away to grieve.  Thank you again Angie